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Top UK minister to be briefed on prison rape case

A British Cabinet Minister was last night expected to be briefed on allegations of rape made by a female inmate at the Co-ed facility.

According to UK sources, Health Minister Frank Dobson was meeting with Foreign Office officials to receive a full report on the claims and subsequent investigation.

Mr. Dobson is the local MP for the family of the 19-year-old London woman, who alleged she was raped by prison officers whilst under the influence of alcohol earlier in the year.

Relatives in the capital are waiting to hear from the Foreign Office with regard to the next step in their bid to have her released or serve the remainder of her sentence in the UK.

She is serving a six year term after admitting smuggling heroin into Bermuda.

Last night, a spokesman for the family said they were optimistic that things were moving.

Two psychiatrists, one from the Prison Service and one independent, are to see the woman in the next few days, she said.

In addition, there is a possibility she will be seen by human rights lawyers.

A spokesman for the UK Foreign Office said the Ministry had been alerted to the controversy -- and that officials were keeping a watching brief.

But he added: "The question of what has happened to her in prison is a matter for the Bermuda Government.

"It would be their responsibility to handle any questions such as her mother has raised, the question of a possible transfer.'' He added: "Of course, she is a British citizen and we have a strong interest in her well-being.

"But it's our policy not to comment on such things because we don't discuss any Consular cases involving Britons overseas.'' UK officials probe prison rape charge Schemes for the transfer of prisoners to serve out all or part of their sentences in their homelands do exist between Britain and other countries -- but agreements have to be negotiated.

Any such schemes are the responsibility of the UK Home Office, the Ministry responsible for H.M. Prisons in Britain.

Home Affairs and Public Safety Minister Paula Cox said an old Act of Parliament from last century -- contained provisions for a transfer.

But she added she was not aware of any transfer taking place in recent times, although she said that would have to be researched to come up with a definitive answer.

Ms Cox said: "I think there is scope, if that is what is desired by all parties, for there to be some sort of exchange.

"But the main thing at this stage is to get information and to see what the young woman says.'' Ms Cox stressed the rape allegation was still under investigation and nothing had been proved.

But she added: "We have an interest to protect prisoners and there is scope for a transfer.

"But I'm not saying that is the favoured or desired outcome. At the moment there is a lot of investigation going on at an accelerated pace.'' Deputy Governor Tim Gurney said a UK Act of Parliament from 1884 -- the Colonial Prisons Removal Act -- still had force in Bermuda.

He said: "It has been used in a number of other places -- and it was used in Bermuda a couple of years ago.''