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Trust loses fight over Dockyard gates

The Development Applications Board has approved the West End Development Corporation's application to open the Dockyard Gates to two-way traffic.The Trust first expressed concern about Wedco's plans to tamper with the 150-year-old gates in 1989,

gates to Dockyard.

The Development Applications Board has approved the West End Development Corporation's application to open the Dockyard Gates to two-way traffic.

The Trust first expressed concern about Wedco's plans to tamper with the 150-year-old gates in 1989, and it is understood the opposition continues.

But Mr. W. Neville Conyers, chairman of the DAB, said the concern is unfounded.

"I think it's an improvement,'' Mr. Conyers said yesterday. "The pillars on either side will remain exactly the same. They will be dismantled very carefully and replaced in the new position.

"I don't think there is going to be any damage to historical fact.'' Mr.

Henry Ming, chairman of the Trust's historical buildings committee, could not be reached for comment yesterday.

A spokesman for Wedco, who did not wish to be named, said the gate is less than nine feet, 11 inches wide, and: "We're really trying to do this for the benefit of tourists.

"Apart from the difficulty that locals have with it, many of the tourists are on bikes. They're having to pay an awful lot of attention to get through that gate.

"We just felt that it was a dangerous situation that we would like to address.'' The pillar closest to the prison would be dismantled and moved against the prison wall, he said. That would make the entrance about 26 feet wide, and a third pillar would be constructed to replicate the other two and separate the two lanes of traffic.

The approach road from Dockyard would also have to be widened, he said. Wedco would like to start work as soon as possible, but also wants to schedule the job so it is not done in the middle of the visitor season, he said. The work will cost less than $100,000, he said.

Wedco must make a separate application for a building permit before it can proceed.