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Two men charged with mask raids

David Walter Arorash, 27, and James Alan Dill, 46, are charged with breaking into Windsor Place in Hamilton on Tuesday, stealing $22,920 from the Bank of Butterfield and destroying the machine.

teller machine.

David Walter Arorash, 27, and James Alan Dill, 46, are charged with breaking into Windsor Place in Hamilton on Tuesday, stealing $22,920 from the Bank of Butterfield and destroying the machine.

They also face charges of wearing masks with intent to commit felonies on the same date.

Arorash, of East Gate Lane, Pembroke, and Dill, of Camp Hill, Southampton, are further charged with breaking into Windsor Place on April 23 and attempting to steal $20,000 from the bank.

At Magistrates' Court yesterday they were not asked for pleas. They were each put on $8,000 bail until May 13. They must report to Police twice a week and hand in their passports.

COUPLE STOLE FROM FORMER EMPLOYER CTS Couple stole from former employer A 32-year-old mother of three and a 39-year-old single man were both convicted yesterday in Magistrates' Court of stealing from their former employer.

Michelle Elizabeth Grant, of Schools Drive in Somerset, and Perry William Smith, of Greenfield Lane in Somerset, both pleaded guilty yesterday to charges of stealing $100 and $650 respectively from a Burrows Lightbourn Ltd.

liquor store in Somerset over a period of several months prior to their arrests at the end of March.

Both were employees of the store at the time and both expressed remorse for their actions.

"I'm just very sorry about it,'' Smith told the court prior to sentencing.

"It won't happen again.'' Grant was fined $100, which acting Senior Magistrate the Wor. John Judge ordered to be paid as compensation to Burrows Lightbourn Ltd., while Smith was fined $700 and given until May 28 to pay, $650 of which will be paid back to the liquor store.

GUILTY OF ASSAULTING ESTRANGED GIRLFRIEND CTS Guilty of assaulting estranged girlfriend A Devonshire man convicted of assault and using threatening behaviour was fined $400 and given a 12-month conditional discharge in Magistrates' Court yesterday.

Winston K. Lightbourne, 22, of Hillsdale Lane in Devonshire, pleaded guilty to a charge of assaulting his estranged girlfriend Tuesday night, causing bruising and a slight cut to her neck. He also pleaded guilty to charges of possessing an offensive weapon, a hammer, and to using it in a threatening manner.

Lightbourne was arrested and taken into custody overnight.

Police prosecutor Sgt. Peter Giles told the court that Lightbourne had waved the hammer three to five feet away from another man who had intervened in the dispute.

Acting Senior Magistrate the Wor. John Judge fined Lightbourne $200 for the charge of assault and another $200 for the charge of possession of the weapon.

Lightbourne received the conditional discharge for the charge of threatening behaviour.

COCAINE USER IS `TRYING TO GET HELP' CTS Cocaine user is `trying to get help' A Hamilton Parish man with no previous convictions for drugs was fined $300 this week for possessing cocaine.

Coolridge Wentford Taylor, 44, of My Lord's Bay in Hamilton Parish, pleaded guilty in Magistrates' Court to buying .05 grams of cocaine for $10.

Police observed Taylor with a group of people on Elliott Street on January 23 "in an area known for drug misuse'', prosecutor Sgt. Peter Giles said. Taylor appeared to be acting nervously at the time and walked toward a private car where officers stopped and searched him.

He was found to be carrying a "small brown twist'' containing a "small, rock-like substance'' later analysed as cocaine.

"I was wrong and I am trying to get help. It was a dumb thing to do and I'm sorry,'' Taylor told Acting Senior Magistrate the Wor. John Judge.

Mr. Judge said he was glad to hear Taylor was trying to get help before handing down the fine.

YOUTH ADMITS POSSESSING CANNABIS CTS Youth admits possessing cannabis An 18-year-old Devonshire youth was fined $100 this week in Magistrates' Court after admitting possessing cannabis.

Edwin Arnold Wolffe, of Hillsdale Lane admitted possessing .33 grams of cannabis on January 16.

He was arrested and searched by Police after a motorcycle he was riding on as a passenger was stopped and he was found to have an outstanding warrant against him, prosecutor Sgt. Peter Giles said.

DRUNK MAN WHO `BLACKED OUT' FINED $200 CTS Drunk man who `blacked out' fined $200 A Warwick man found lying unconscious on a Reid Street sidewalk on April 17 was fined $200 in Magistrates' Court this week after admitting to three previous incidents of being drunk and incapable.

"I don't know what happened. I must have blacked out but I'm sorry,'' Colin Carnell Bell, of Hillview Road, told the court.

MAN SENT TO PRISON FOR DRUG OFFENCES CTS Man sent to prison for drug offences A Devonshire man with a long record of convictions for drug convictions was sentenced this week to a total of six months in prison on three separate drug charges.

McDonald St. Augustus, 39, of Roberts Avenue in Devonshire, admitted in Magistrates' Court to one charge of possession of crack cocaine and two charges of possession of drug-related paraphernalia.

Acting Senior Magistrate the Wor. John Judge handed down concurrent sentences of six months, three months and three months for the December incident.

Police entered Augustus' home on December 31 with a search warrant and seized items ranging from razor blades to a home-made pipe, a straw with traces of a white powder, and three samples of "white rock-like'' substances with a total weight of .12 grams. It was later analysed as crack cocaine, prosecutor Sgt.

Peter Giles said.

Sgt. Giles also told the court that Augustus admitted to narcotics officers at the scene that "everything is mine'', and that he used the pipe for smoking cocaine.

Augustus has a long history of drug-related convictions dating back to the early 1980s.

VISITOR CHARGED WITH IMPORTING COCAINE CTS Visitor charged with importing cocaine A 23-year-old Puerto Rican from New York was charged in Magistrates' Court this week with importing more than $50,000 worth of cocaine into Bermuda.

Keith Colon was also charged with possessing a small amount of heroin. He was not required to plead to the offences as he faces trial in Supreme Court.

The court heard the drugs were allegedly found on Colon at the airport on April 21.

Crown counsel Mr. Brian Calhoun said he opposed bail. Colon was unrepresented.

Senior Magistrate the Wor. Will Francis remanded Colon in custody, ordering him to appear for mention in plea court on May 11.

`ALABAMA' FINED FOR UPSETTING GOLFERS CTS `Alabama' fined for upsetting golfers Golfers got pretty teed off when 51-year-old Alvin (Alabama) Anderson put them off their strokes, Magistrates' Court heard this week.

Police twice found him at St. George's Golf Club last Sunday "hindering golfers'', said Sgt. Kenrick James, prosecuting.

He added Anderson had ignored a letter barring him from the property.

Anderson, of Duke of Clarence Street, St. George's, pleaded guilty to the offence, and was fined $150.

But he told Senior Magistrate the Wor. Will Francis he had not been "interfering'' with golfers.

He said he had been trying to sell golf balls, and was on the road when Police saw him.