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UBP draws up shortlist for Smiths by-election

A meeting held last night by UBP top brass ended without a firm decision on who should replace C.V. Jim Woolridge in Parliament, The Royal Gazette has learned.

But the party has come up with a shortlist of three people, according to Smith's South branch chairman David Tavares.

He declined to say who the three were. "We haven't completed the process yet,'' Mr. Tavares said. But he said that a tentative choice from among the three had emerged and it was hoped that the party would ratify the choice in a day or two.

The UBP has a number of former MPs within its ranks who lost their seats at the last election in November 1998.

Wayne Furbert, who became a restaurateur after losing his seat, told this paper last month that he was considering a return to politics -- as party chairman.

"My heart has always been in it,'' Mr. Furbert said at the time.

When contacted by The Royal Gazette Senate Opposition Leader Maxwell Burgess gave the impression that he was not interested in the seat.

"I'm Opposition Leader of the Senate in a post that I enjoy and I feel I'm making a contribution,'' said Mr. Burgess.

UBP draws up by election shortlist Mr. Woolridge retired from the House on Friday after a 33 year career in politics.

The Progressive Labour Party will also soon be considering who to run in the constituency. Party Whip Ottiwell Simmons admitted that Mr. Woolridge's resignation came as a surprise to the PLP and he couldn't say anything yet about potential candidates. In November 1998, Lt. Col David Burch, now a Senator, made a strong showing in Smith's South.

The National Liberal Party's Graeme Outerbridge was reluctant to talk about whether he was going to throw his hat in the ring so soon after Mr.

Woolridge's resignation.

"I've always stood there -- I have never given up,'' said the man who has contested every election in Smith's South for the last 17 years.