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UBP rebels in secret meeting with Premier

Government rebels this week held a secret meeting with Premier David Saul -- the second in a series aimed at healing massive splits in the ruling United Bermuda Party.

The so-called People's Five spent nearly two hours on Wednesday discussing their differences with the party leadership at the UBP headquarters in Hamilton's Chancery Lane.

But when UBP rebel Dr. Clarence Terceira was contacted last night he said a second meeting had not been organised yet.

And Dr. Saul did not return calls from The Royal Gazette .

But veteran UBP backbencher C.V. (Jim) Woolridge said: "We are continuing dialogue.

"I think the more dialogue we have, the greater the understanding there will be of what we are trying to achieve.'' He added another meeting was set to be scheduled within the next few days, although he said a date had not been decided.

Mr. Woolridge added: "Both sides have gone away with a view to further pursuing how be can bridge the gap.'' But Mr. Woolridge declined to discuss details of the agendas for the meetings.

He said: "It would be very difficult to discuss what went on in the meetings.

"It touches very deeply into the feelings of the people involved, so we can then get on with the job of providing leadership for the Country.'' The meetings are a last-ditch attempt to heal wounds in the party before the new session of Parliament starts in November.

They follow a series of embarrassing defeats for Government after the rebels combined with the Opposition UBP on crucial votes.

Ann Cartwright DeCouto's Prohibited Restaurants Act, which bans franchise-style restaurants from Bermuda passed, although it was later stalled in the Senate.

The Act was a major blow for ex-Premier Sir John Swan and backbench colleague Maxwell Burgess, among the prime movers of Grape Bay Ltd, which had earlier been given permission to open a McDonald's burger joint in Bermuda by Finance Minister Grant Gibbons.

The rebel group, which also includes Dr. David Dyer, and Trevor Moniz, later got stuck into Dr. Saul, co-operating with the PLP to pass a motion of censure against Dr. Saul for his role in the burger war -- the first time a Premier has ever been censured by the House of Assembly.

The breach opened following the acrimonious Independence debate last year -- Sir John's brainchild -- when the rebels attacked his stance and publicly campaigned for a `no' vote.

A move towards Independence was overwhelmingly rejected at the polls after a referendum on the issue was held.