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UBP: Strong economy critical to future of small businesses

The UBP moved camp to a travel agent's office in a bid to underline the importance of a strong economy to the survival of small Bermudian businesses.

And Premier Pamela Gordon said: "Since the beginning, the UBP has been clear about what this election is about.

"It is about the future and who has the leadership, the experience and the proven record of keeping Bermuda's economy strong and forward-moving.'' She added: "This is one of the main issues of our upcoming election -- recognising that small business, large business, their very survival is one of the issues the election is all about.

And Finance Minister Grant Gibbons warned that a PLP Government would force smaller Bermudian businesses to the wall.

They were speaking at the offices of Donald Smith Travel Connections in Hamilton, backed by Dr. Gibbons and Development and Opportunity Minister Jerome Dill.

Dr. Gibbons also took aim at a claim by the PLP's Renee Webb that the PLP would fund its programmes "the same way the UBP does''.

"Unfortunately Renee Webb is dead wrong. The Bermudian people can't count on a UBP economy without the UBP,'' he said.

"And they can't count on the same retail sales, the new hotel projects, the new construction, new company incorporations, the business start-ups or our double A rating.'' He added: "The PLP can't count on a United Bermuda Party economy -- and the Bermuda people can't count on a UBP economy without the UBP.''