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Veterinarian trainee let go

Veterinarian trainee Dr. Susann Smith, Ministry of the Environment Permanent Secretary Mr. James Burnett-Herkes last night confirmed.

While refusing to disclose details behind the decision, Mr. Burnett-Herkes did say Dr. Smith had failed to meet the expectations of her contract or certain (unspecified) qualifications.

Dr. Smith -- a Bermudian -- was being groomed to take over the position of Government Veterinarian following the September 1996 resignation of Dr. Neil Burnie. She was under contract to Personnel Services.

General Secretary of the Bermuda Public Services Association, Mr. Eugene Blakeney, said the Governor, Lord Waddington, has agreed to the termination.

Even though Dr. Smith was not a member of the BPSA he said, they would be taking a look at her situation at a meeting today and were keeping their options open.