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War on drugs theme for youth conference

The aptly-themed "War on Drugs'' -- which will be held on Wednesday and Thursday at the CedarBridge Academy -- is Pride's thirteenth Youth to Youth gathering for high school students.

to kick off this week.

The aptly-themed "War on Drugs'' -- which will be held on Wednesday and Thursday at the CedarBridge Academy -- is Pride's thirteenth Youth to Youth gathering for high school students.

Those interested in participating can register today and tomorrow at Hamilton City Hall, between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.

A cruise is also scheduled to take place tomorrow night before the two-day event. Participants should meet at Albuoy's Point at 7.30 p.m.

Then on Wednesday and Thursday from 8.45 a.m. to 10 p.m. teenagers will take part in workshops ranging from nail art to "magic potion'' (non-alcoholic drink) making, view performances by Youth to Youth members, and receive a motivational address by visiting speaker Jason Walters of the US.

As usual, the focus is on teaching adolescents to have a good time -- without using drugs.

"In order to be the best I can be, I must remain drug free,'' explained 13-year-old Youth to Youth member Denaye Hinds.

"It gives me a chance to relate to other youth and to express myself freely and it builds up my self esteem,'' she said of her involvment with the group.

Mr. Walters' message "Ignite the Fire'' promises to challenge teenagers to take action'' and to encourage his listeners to believe in themselves, have courage, focus on their attitude, and never give up.

A separate work shop will also be conducted for the parents of young attendees on Wednesday night from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

A fee of $35 includes a T-shirt, snacks, lunches, dinners, and admission for the party cruise.