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Ward named for Dr. Gordon

fiery Parliamentarian and physician Dr. Edgar Fitzgerald Gordon has had a ward of King Edward VII Memorial Hospital named after him.

Dr. Gordon, a Trinidadian who came to Bermuda in 1924, was instrumental in the formation of the predecessor of the Bermuda Industrial Union, which lobbied for workers rights.

But his race and politics -- he was the leading signatory to a petition to the Secretary of State on the Island's labour situation -- played a role in his being refused residency at the hospital.

As part of its General Election pledge to honour local heroes, the Progressive Labour Party this week changed the name of Memorial Ward to the Dr. E.F.

Gordon Ward.

The name change was announced in front of Dr. Gordon's children on Wednesday night by Transport Minister Ewart Brown.

Dr. Brown assured those gathered the PLP did not intend to honour only blacks nor will less progressive people be ignored or discarded.

D. E. F. Gordon