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With care and concern

repeat today this editorial which we carried last week. Although readership of editorials is very high in Bermuda we agree that some people might have missed what we said. It seems entirely appropriate on polling day to renew the call to Bermudians to get out and vote.

The result of next Monday's election may well depend on people turning out to vote. This is a democratic Country with a strong democratic process and it is important that people use their vote.

Just think of the countries were people are not allowed to vote or where, even if they do vote, their votes are trashed. Think of the countries of millions and millions of people where one vote hardly counts.

None of that is true in Bermuda where every vote counts. This Country has constituencies where a few votes either way could actually decide who is going to run Bermuda for the next five years. People should remember that when they decide not to vote or when they do not bother to vote because they have a grievance of one sort or another. Election time is the time to put aside the past and past grievances and vote for what you want for the future.

There are people today who are saying they will not vote because they "do not like any of them''. That's a false premise because whether or not you like any of them, you are going to get one group of them. Likes or dislikes are not the question. The question is who can best run Bermuda. If you do not vote you have not had a say and should not complain two years from now that you are unhappy with the people someone else elected.

Sometimes you hear people say: "What does it matter?'' It does matter that this is a democracy and it matters that you participate or else you give up the democratic rights our forefathers fought so hard to get. You may not have strong feelings of support for one party or the other but that is where campaigns come in and that is why we are sorry that there is not going to be a debate between the party leaders. A campaign is your chance to look at what is going on, to decide which party is the best for you even if you are not too keen on either one, and then vote for the one you think best for your future.

There has been a good deal of dwelling on the past during this campaign but there is little we can do about the past. We can however vote for what we see as best for the future of Bermuda.

Bermudians have an almost unique opportunity while voting because they know the candidates. They know what the candidates have done in the past and what they offer in terms of their ability to contribute to Bermuda's future. In other countries, a candidate is a mysterious figure who appears on speaking platforms and on television but in Bermuda they appear on the doorsteps and in the living rooms. They are real and they are known to you. Ask yourself if the individuals and their party will speak for you in the future and create the kind of Bermuda that is best for you and for Bermuda's children.

Voting is not a frivolous game. It should not be taken lightly. A vote should be cast with care and concern.