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Youth with drugs spared jail term

spared a jail term in Magistrates' Court yesterday.Farad Furquan, 17, was instead ordered to perform 200 hours of community service.

spared a jail term in Magistrates' Court yesterday.

Farad Furquan, 17, was instead ordered to perform 200 hours of community service.

Furquan, of Clark's Lane, Devonshire, had pleaded guilty to possessing cannabis with intent to supply.

Resisting calls from the prosecution for a prison term, Senior Magistrate the Wor. Will Francis noted Furquan was only 16 at the time of the offence and had an excellent school record.

Court was told that Furquan happened to find the 23 envelopes of plant material in the Forty Second Street area and decided to sell the drugs to make some money.

He said he planned to buy his mother an airline ticket for her birthday.

Furquan was stopped by Police on May 20 while he was driving his motorcycle in Hamilton Parish, court was told.

He was stopped in connection with other charges. But when searched, Police officers discovered a twist of plant material which was identified as cannabis.

When Furquan was taken to Hamilton Police Station, officers found 23 yellow envelopes containing cannabis in a bag under his coat.

Furquan was represented by lawyer Mr. Juan Wolffe.