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A message for help

my mother said that there was a message in the bottle. It said that a baby had a disease and didn't have any food. I felt very sad when I read it. I asked my mother if I could try to help them because I really like to care for people.

That same day I wrote them back and said I will help them and not to worry. I threw the bottle back into the sea. That night I was really worried.

After six months I forgot all about the bottle but my mother wondered what had happened to it. I asked what bottle she was talking about and she reminded me about the bottle I had tripped over and I remembered. I suggested to my mother that we go back to the same beach and see if we could find it. We went there and we saw so many bottles that I was confused. I remembered that it had a little drawing on it and I found it.

The message said, "Hurry! Hurry! Please -- my baby is dying.'' I begged my mother to go to that place. My mother said that we didn't know where the place was so I looked at the bottle closely. It said Somalia. I was so worried. Then my mother and I took a doctor with us. We didn't know how to get there but the doctor offered us his plane.

After about two hours we got off the plane and went there. They cried out to us and we saw them. The doctor saw the baby and helped her. That night the baby slept well.

Before we left to go back home we gave them a basket of food. They were happy and they thanked us. After that we left.

When we arrived home we caught a taxi and took the doctor home. When we got home my mother and I were happy. Just think! If we wouldn't have found that note we wouldn't have been so happy and we wouldn't have been able to make those people happy too.

-- Tiffany Lewis West End School, P6.