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A quality image

they want Bermuda's image to be. Traditionally Bermuda has been considered a rather sedate and quiet resort attracting up-market visitors.

Then suddenly and with some evidence of desperation we tried to widen our market by degrading the image into one of sex and sin and "let yourself go''.

That has not worked very well because people know that it was not representative of the vacations Bermuda offers. An advertising agency tried to pretend that Bermuda was offering something which went against the grain. It was a mistake to invite people here by advertising something which Bermuda did not and would not supply.

We must not fall into a trap by thinking that if we degrade Bermuda we will attract more visitors. We will then be trying to sell a second level product at prices which will inevitably remain high simply because we are an island with high expectations. If we degrade Bermuda we will lose those quality visitors we have now who come here simply because Bermuda is what it is, the best of the islands.

Most people understand that Bermuda's best chance for success is to improve on what it is. Bermuda is an up-market resort which forgot for a few years that an up-market resort has to offer up-market accommodations and up-market service. You cannot charge top dollar and provide inferior quality without driving away the customers.

There are still hotels which do not meet the quality image but others are taking quite remarkable steps in hard times to meet visitors' needs. Quite wonderful things have happened at Newstead and Cambridge Beaches is investing millions of dollars to keep with the trend toward spa vacations. It is interesting to us that both properties are Bermudian owned.

Much of Bermuda is struggling now to improve the standards while holding prices. Front Street has done its part with redesigned retail stores. That is exactly what Bermuda should be doing.

There are already complaints from merchants that the cruise ships are moving down-market by discounting fares. The cruise passengers do not appear to be buying and are especially not buying the goods Bermuda has traditionally offered. Part of that is a merchandising problem but some of it is the fact that Bermuda still provides quality shopping.

Yet there are signs that some people are very careless about Bermuda's quality image and that carelessness results in such things as the move to open McDonald's. If as much energy had been spent attracting a new quality hotel to Bermuda as went into McDonald's we would all be better off today.

Taxi drivers were once considered Bermuda's ambassadors to those visitors who are, after all, a captive audience in their taxis. Yet today there are increasing complaints that all a visitor gets is a silent ride despite quite extraordinary fares. It may be that the committee considering Bermuda's transportation should take a look at some kind of training for people planning to drive taxis.

The truth is that quality is a total package. It does not rest with one sector of the visitor industry. A quality vacation begins with the welcome to Bermuda and involves every single person who comes in contact with that visitor.

Maintaining quality takes a national will.