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Airport outburst cost Smith's man $200 fine

Richard Steede, of Verdmont Road, was fined $200 in Magistrates' Court for using offensive words at the Airport last week and refusing to leave.


Richard Steede, of Verdmont Road, was fined $200 in Magistrates' Court for using offensive words at the Airport last week and refusing to leave.

Police were called to the Air Canada desk shortly after 3 p.m. on August 2, said prosecutor Sgt. Kenrick James.

They found Steede using abusive language loudly to personnel there.

Sgt. James said Steede was asked to lower his voice and allow the person to answer his query, but he continued to shout profanities at the desk personnel.

Noting there were many people, including children, around at the time, he said Steede was asked to leave the area.

Steede said he was frustrated with Air Canada staff because he had just returned from Canada where he was detained by immigration authorities for two days because they discovered he was on the stop list.

He said his luggage had not yet arrived in Bermuda so he only had the clothes on his back.

"My suitcases were not here for five days and I was vexed because I did not have clothes to change up,'' he told Senior Magistrate the Wor. Will Francis.

"First they said they would give me something for not having the clothes, but then they said they would not.'' "I don't speak like you,'' Steede told Mr. Francis. "You would have been able to throw some bigger words on them. I can't, so I got frustrated.'' Steede said he received his luggage on Thursday. "So you've calmed down now? You're feeling much better?'' Mr. Francis asked.

"I'm glad you got your luggage,'' he added before fining Steede $100 for each offence.