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Alleged pot-smoking Police officer in disciplinary hearing

An internal disciplinary hearing has begun into a Police officer who was allegedly caught smoking cannabis while on duty, The Royal Gazette has learned.

The motorcycle officer was suspended with full pay on February 14 after he was detained by Police at a football match at White Hill Field, Sandys, for reportedly smoking the drug while sitting in a private car.

A file sent by Police to the Director of Public Prosecutions for possible criminal charges has been returned to Police Commissioner Jean-Jacques Lemay.

Police are refusing to comment on whether the officer will be prosecuted because the disciplinary hearing has not been completed.

A Police spokeswoman said yesterday: "The hearing began last week and is continuing.'' The officer could face the sack, but he does have the right to an appeal even if he is found guilty.

When the officer, who has not been named, was first suspended, sources told The Royal Gazette he had also tested positive for drugs last November in a Bermuda Football Association check.

Sources said the officer was not caught with the drugs but was "relieved of his responsibilities'' and transferred to motorcycle patrol to keep him out of trouble.