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Backbench MP Derrick Burgess stated in the House of Assembly during a Police debate: ``To the approach of the present Commissioner, who is doing nothing,

*** Government backbencher Dale Butler said the numbers that wanted to join the Police force were an example of the sign of the times.

"We do have a very limited pool. Everybody wants our young people. It is a glorious age to be a student. There are more opportunities. Every profession in this country is desperate to get qualified Bermudians -- they are all looking for them.'' *** Shadow Legislative Affairs Minister and UBP MP for Devonshire South John Barritt, responding to calls for parish constables, said: "When people dial 911, they're not looking for a counsellor. They're looking for some action.'' *** Attorney General Lois Browne Evans giving her opinion on why the public was generally anti-Police said: "There was a time when they came from all the war zones of the British Empire. And that's what people were rebelling against.''