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Bailey set for Sandys North

likely to be adopted by the United Bermuda Party Sandys North branch at a meeting tonight if no one else's name is put forward.

"It's up to the branch, but no one else is in the running unless a name is put forward from the floor,'' UBP spokesman Mr. Joe Gibbons said yesterday.

Mr. Bailey and fellow candidate Mr. Colin Pearman would run in the next election in the hopes of winning back their seats in the Sandys North constituency.

They were ousted by the PLP in the 1989 election when Mr. Eugene Cox, Shadow Finance Minister, and Mr. Dennis Lister, Shadow Youth and Sport Minister, won by a narrow margin.

Mr. Bailey stepped down as an adopted candidate to contest a primary election in the UBP stronghold of Southampton West. He was narrowly defeated in the primary by Youth and Sport Minister the Hon. Pamela Gordon.