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`Basil' may have brought dog attack upon himself

Two of Bermuda's leading dog experts believe Basil, the tiny terrier, could have been injured during a scrap over a bitch on heat.

left him needing 30 stitches.

Two of Bermuda's leading dog experts believe Basil, the tiny terrier, could have been injured during a scrap over a bitch on heat.

The Island's dog control officer, Mr. Leonard (Shinah) Simons and Government Veterinarian, Dr. Neil Burnie, believe Basil was attacked by a rival for the affections of a Pit Bull Terrier bitch.

Government House staff thought that Basil had been wandering around the extensive grounds when he was attacked by wild dogs. Three unknown dogs had been seen in the gardens recently.

Nobody saw the attack. Basil, a popular member of the household, just appeared with a nasty wound on his back.

He was taken to the vet and required 30 stitches. He was kept there for two weeks while Lord and Lady Waddington were on holiday.

Mr. Simons has reported that, the day after the attack, he caught a Pit Bull Terrier bitch in the gardens. The dog was on heat.

He said: "Basil probably found this bitch and was attacked by another male dog which had been attracted by her to the grounds of Government House. There were a lot of other dogs around the bitch when I caught her.'' Dr. Burnie agreed, say dogs generally adopt a pack instinct in situations where a lot of strange dogs chase a bitch in heat. He said it would not be unusual for a fight to occur. He dispelled fears of wild dogs roaming around Bermuda.

He said Government started a programme of trapping "feral dogs'' in the early 1970s and since the early 1980s, he had come across fewer than five wild dogs.

Dr. Burnie and Mr. Simons deal with around 5-600 dogs a year and in almost all cases these are "kept animals.'' Since the attack Basil has returned home where his injuries are healing, but quite visible, on his shaved back.

His lady friend was less lucky. No-one came forward to claim the dog and she was destroyed.