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Big plans for city in 2050

I was so excited when they picked me to change this old city that looked like it came from the 1990s. I couldn't stop thinking of ideas but the only problem was I'm not an inventor,


I was so excited when they picked me to change this old city that looked like it came from the 1990s. I couldn't stop thinking of ideas but the only problem was I'm not an inventor, so I don't know how I'm going to make all the things that I'm thinking of doing.

First thing I want to build is houses that float about one million feet off the ground. I want robots instead of waitresses and maids and all kinds of small jobs like that. All the people that were the cooks and the waitresses they will be the ones that build the robots. Another thing I will build is cars that turn into pocket size boxes when you're finished with them. All the children can go to a school that is round and for recess they will have special boots that help them walk on air.

Everything we make will be pollution free, if there is any pollution from cars it will be crushed and then made into robot parts. My city will be called Orbit Environment City. The environment is there because it will be the most environmental city in the world.

Those are my ideas for a new city. The only problem is to build it.

-- Kimberley Harriott, 11 Southampton Glebe School, P7.