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BIU/building industry to discuss foreign workers

Union bosses are to meet building industry representatives today over concerns that workers are getting an increasingly raw deal.

Bermuda Industrial Union president Derrick Burgess said: "We will discuss the exploitation of workers, particularly foreign workers and consequently Bermudian workers.'' Mr. Burgess told The Royal Gazette some employers were using the influx of foreign workers to erode rights across the industry, with sick pay, overtime and holiday pay coming under attack.

He explained: "Most workers come here from labour and union backgrounds, but they are working over 40 hours at straight pay.

"Some are working seven days' a week at straight pay and with very little benefits.'' He added: "At the same time the companies are making millions at the expense of their workers.'' While several firms recognise building industry agreements others ignored them and were not keen on workers signing up with the BIU, Mr. Burgess added.

He said the message was basically "if you do, you are going back home''.

"A lot don't want to get involved,'' Mr. Burgess said. "They come here to make some quick money.'' But he was keen to stress that he did not blame the foreign workers, mostly Canadians, for the situation. Mr. Burgess said employers were taking advantage of vulnerable foreigners to erode workers' rights across the board.

"We look for protection for all workers,'' he said.