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BIU president to give evidence at Rushe trial

Court yesterday because witness Mr. Ottiwell Simmons MP was off the Island and unable to testify.BIU treasurer Collin Wentford Earl Simmons, of Friswell's Road in Devonshire,

Court yesterday because witness Mr. Ottiwell Simmons MP was off the Island and unable to testify.

BIU treasurer Collin Wentford Earl Simmons, of Friswell's Road in Devonshire, is charged with violently interfering with the free exercise of the political liberty of fellow BIU member Mr. George Rushe, assaulting Mr. Rushe, behaving in a threatening manner, and using threatening behaviour at a public meeting whereby a breach of the peace was likely to occur.

All the offences are alleged to have occurred at BIU headquarters in Pembroke on July 2 during the Island-wide strike. Simmons denies them.

Yesterday, Mr. Rushe said he served a summons on Mr. Ottiwell Simmons in early December, and that he wanted to call the BIU president as a prosecution witness.

But Mr. Simmons notified the court through Collin Simmons' lawyer that he would be off the Island until January 29.

Acting Magistrate the Wor. Kim White adjourned the case until February 15 at 9.30 a.m.