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Black is . . .

beautiful and lovely and it is one of the best colours in the world. There is a lot of conflict between black and white people about which race is better.

To me, I personally think that both races are the same because all men are created equal.

-- Damon Thompson, 16 Berkeley Institute * * * Black is a statement, it's a colour name of a crayon. Black is something that stands out in a crowd, it's the beauty of an African Queen. Black is music, the sweetness of jazz, the melody of reggae, the soul of R&B and the joy of gospel music, which represents the beat and the rhythm of black artists. Black is culture -- it's people, but whatever the definition, it's still BLACK.

-- Owen Millett, 15 Berkeley Institute * * * REFLECTIONS ARE . . . Reflections are images of oneself. I feel that the colour of your skin does not determine what type of person you are. I feel that people should be judged by their personality rather than the colour of their skin. The way in which we act is the reflection of what type of person we are.

I wish that some people weren't so close-minded that when they look at you all they see is the colour of your skin rather than your natural personality.

-- Derrika Burrows, 15 Berkeley Institute.