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Bus bosses, school staff to meet over rowdiness

schoolchildren staged a mini-riot on a bus, it was revealed yesterday.And it has been agreed to hold a meeting with top staff at St. George's Secondary once the school has held an internal investigation into the incident.

schoolchildren staged a mini-riot on a bus, it was revealed yesterday.

And it has been agreed to hold a meeting with top staff at St. George's Secondary once the school has held an internal investigation into the incident.

Assistant director of public transportation Mr. Dan Simmons said that possible measures to prevent any further trouble on buses carrying pupils from St.

George's had yet to be discussed.

He added: "Each case is different and involves different circumstances. We don't have a canned fix for it.

"We will have to do an analysis of the incident and come up with a response.

"But these things always involve outside parties which is a complicating factor.'' Mr. Simmons was speaking after a bus driver was forced to divert his vehicle on Friday afternoon after rowdy schoolchildren refused to behave.

He drove to the Police station at Bermuda International Airport and asked officers to assist.

Shocked airline passengers watched as officers boarded the bus in a bid to quell the disturbance.

But after Police failed to quiet the pupils down, the driver asked the officers to order the youngsters off the bus.

Mr. Simmons has already ruled out bus service cancellations to avoid a repetition of the incident. He said that the bus department would rather see the guilty individuals punished than innocent members of the travelling public.

Yesterday, neither school principal Charlotte Ming or her deputy were available for comment.