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Church group offers

yesterday signed an agreement outlining ways they can help each other in the event of hurricanes or other natural disasters.

The agreement, signed by Deputy Governor and EMO chairman Mr. John Kelly and president of the Bermuda Conference of Seventh Day Adventists Pastor Carlyle Simmons, sets out guidelines for the SDA and the EMO to coordinate food, housing, supplies, and volunteers during a national emergency.

It also will have the SDA: Assisting Government agencies with the distribution of equipment and services; Receiving, processing and distributing clothing, bedding, household supplies and food to victims without cost to them or Government; Providing medical personnel to assist in staffing medical dispensaries; and Providing counselling and morale-building services.

"The role of any helping service is particularly significant in time of need,'' Mr. Kelly said. "We are extremely happy that the Seventh Day Adventists are to be good Samaritans in this way, and are to be of assistance to Bermuda in time of need.'' And Pastor Simmons said the Church was delighted to have the opportunity to work with the EMO and was looking forward to having a state of readiness to assist in a national emergency.

The EMO is also working towards similar agreements with the Bermuda Red Cross and the Salvation Army, Mr. Kelly said.

Yesterday's agreement came as the world is about to celebrate the UN-designated International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction tomorrow.

The day is aimed at promoting the activities and objectives of the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction.

Mr. Kelly said the Seventh Day Adventists were no strangers to such an operation.

"For over 100 years, the Church's Community Services Department has provided disaster clothing and bedding, distribution centres, feeding centres and medical personnel for various countries during times of emergency,'' he said.

An EMO committee, formed last year to assure Bermuda complied with the UN request for member countries to form effective disaster reduction, preparedness and prevention programmes, has completed a summary report for the UN on disaster identification and mitigation activities in Bermuda, Mr. Kelly added.

The committee, chaired by Community Affairs director Mr. Lowdru Robinson, is now in the process of preparing a detailed report, reviewing the status of current mitigation efforts such as the vulnerability of the population, and short and long-term economic and social consequences of disasters.

Meanwhile, a photographic exhibit of past disasters in Bermuda will open tomorrow at the General Post Office on Church and Parliament streets, as a part of Bermuda's efforts to support the UN on Disaster Relief Day.

The day's theme is "Stop Disasters: Focus on Schools and Hospitals''. And material has been supplied to schools throughout the Island to encourage students to participate. PHOTO IT'S A DEAL -- EMO chairman and Deputy Governor Mr. John Kelly (left) and president of the Bermuda Conference of Seventh Day Adventists Pastor Carlyle Simmons sign a memo of understanding between the two groups on disaster relief. Also pictured (from left to right) are EMO coordinator Mr. Lowdru Robinson, SDA Community Service president Mrs. Ismay Brown, director of the SDA Community Services Pastor Eugene Gibbons, and director of SDA's Medical Cadet Corps Dr. Ronald Lightbourne.