Clean-up hailed a success
resounding success. More than 450 volunteers collected 13.29 tons of waste from the Island's hedgerows, beaches and roadways after responding to a call from the Keep Bermuda Beautiful organisation.
And more than half the trash consisted of recyclable items such as bottles and cans. Project coordinator Vanese Flood said a large number of bulky, "non-incineratable items'' were in the area immediately surrounding the Tyne Bay waste facility.
"Bus stops are also badly littered areas indicating a need to ensure they are fitted with bins. In the spirit of helping KBB many individuals undertook to clean their own areas. We encourage these individuals to contact KBB to inform us of the location and amounts of trash collected.
"Due to the vast amounts of materials collected this Saturday trucks were not able to pick up all bags and bulky items. Community members noticing uncollected garbage from the clean-up are also asked to contact KBB on 295 5142. These items have not been weighed and will serve to increase the collected amount to greater than 15 tons.'' The organisation's next clean-up day will be in September when volunteers will pick up litter from coastal areas.