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Clearing up the confusion Police are trying to erase the confusion surrounding the new cross walks on Front Street.

Police spokesperson Evelyn James Barnett said some members of the public were still confused about the new pedestrian controlled traffic lights on Front Street.

The crosswalks were recently outfitted with lights that have a flashing amber light for motorists and a flashing green light for pedestrians.

Mrs. James Barnett said the flashing green light was a warning to pedestrians that the light will soon change to red.

"If you are on the crossing, keep going,'' she advised. "If you haven't started to cross wait.'' And motorists who encounter a flashing amber light must stop if someone is crossing.

"Pedestrians have the right of way and you must stop if anyone is on the crossing,'' Mrs. James Barnett said. "You may proceed if the crossing is clear of pedestrians.'' HONOUR FOR TOWN CRIER AWD Honour for Town Crier The Town Crier of St. George's, Richard Elsom, has recently been accepted as a member of `The Ancient and Honourable Guild of Town Criers'.

Mr. Elsom was duly sworn into the elite ranks of the world's leading Town Criers during the recent visit of dignitaries from Lyme Regis.

He took the formal oath of induction before the founding president of the guild, Richard Fox, in the presence of the Mayor of St. George's and several other members of the Corporation.

Mr. Elsom is only the second Bermudian Town Crier in the Island's history to have been accorded this prestigious honour -- his predecessor, the late Maj.

`Bob' Burns was the first.

The honour imposes upon St. George's Town Crier a variety of stipulations regarding a rigid Code of Conduct, specifications governing the manner of how he `cries', and also the authenticity to participate in international Town Crier gatherings.

Mr. Elsom has already been invited to join fellow guild members for a function in England in the summer of this year.

ROTARIANS OFF TO BRAZIL CLB Rotarians off to Brazil Members of the Sandys Rotary Club will be flying to Brazil, with the help of American Airlines, on May 15 to assist the Biriqui Rotary Club with the reconstruction of a kitchen that supports the needy in that region.

According to Sandys Rotary Club, last year this kitchen fed some 48,000 soups to hungry citizens and is in need of major attention.

The club's nine delegates will spend seven days helping the sister club in the spirit of international cooperation.

For more information David Sullivan at 238-0961 or John Narraway at 295-2626.

WORKSHOP FOR CHARITY LEADERS CON CLB Workshop for charity leaders The Centre on Philanthropy will be holding a new workshop for charity leaders entitled `Personnel Policies for Nonprofits'.

On Tuesday May 20 from 12.15 to 1.30 p.m. Michelle White, human resources specialist and local business person, will introduce you to a model personnel policy to non-profit organisations.

Charity leaders will leave with an understanding of the benefits of written policies, and an employee handbook and procedures suited to their organisation's governing board, volunteers and paid staff.

The cost will be $25 which includes a light lunch.

Other upcoming workshop will be on June 23 -- `Presentation Skills of Charity Speakers' and on June 25 -- `Managing Volunteers through their Social Styles'.