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College to give credit for lessons learned from life

Bermudians who missed out on a college education may be able to make up for lost time under a new scheme.

In September, Bermuda College will start a new programme which will allow for learning obtained through work or life to count towards college credits.

Prior Learning Assessment will provide the evaluation of such experiences as work-related projects, belonging to a study group, taking part in seminars and conferences, awards or even samples of work.

An expert in that particular field of work will then review the evidence and desired course and determine what, if any, credits can be awarded.

At the official launch of the PLA committee at Bermuda College yesterday, Education Minister Milton Scott said the programme would ensure Bermuda was in tune with the demands of the 21st Century.

He said the influence throughout the community for individuals to upgrade their skills with their life experiences would provide opportunities for many.

The committee was diverse, he said. And he added he hoped it would be fair in its assessment of people.

Bermuda College Board Chairman Randy Horton said the PLA programme would make access to education easier.

"We have a lot of experienced people in Bermuda who have been working in all areas, who do not have formal qualifications,'' Mr. Horton said. "It will help them bring their skills up to date.

"This programme will serve the community well. We need this kind of initiative to be successful.'' The architect of the scheme, Bermuda College vice president Donald Peters, said Bermuda was unique and had a history of discrimination, but the scheme would bring knowledge to benefit.

Studies in the US say in 2010 80 percent of all jobs will require some sort of post secondary education.

And Dr. Peters called upon the community to support the initiative in order to make it a success.