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Committee's report due in April

says his committee expects to hand in their final report to Community and Cultural Affairs Minister Yvette Swan by mid-April.

Sir John Plowman told The Royal Gazette the Consumer Protection Task Force has met five times, most recently with the Chamber of Commerce, and is in the process of narrowing its scope of inquiry.

The committee has also studied consumer protection legislation in the UK and some American states, looking for models to modernise Bermuda's current consumer laws.

The task force was formed in early October with a mandate to review product safety, unfair practices, misleading advertising and trade descriptions, and debt collection.

"Hopefully its recommendations will take us into the 21st Century,'' Senator Swan told a press conference at the time.

Sir John, an ex-parliamentarian and businessman, was appointed to head the inquiry. Joining him on the committee is accountant Karen Rawlins, protocol officer Joan Williams, attorney Leon Williams III, Cathryn Balfour Swain of the Attorney General's chamber, and Donald Scott from the Ministry of Finance.

The task force is also in the process of gathering public input and has taken out ads in The Royal Gazette seeking submissions from the public on how to beef-up consumer protection legislation.

"We're not there to deal with complaints but we do want to hear what the public has to say,'' added Sir John.