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Complaints mount over Perot security

People have complained about being challenged by Police and guards half a mile from the properties.And one gardener on his way to work was allegedly followed, quizzed, and subjected to a bag search.

has come under fire.

People have complained about being challenged by Police and guards half a mile from the properties.

And one gardener on his way to work was allegedly followed, quizzed, and subjected to a bag search.

Mr. Perot, an independent expected to make a bid for the US presidency in November's election, owns two properties straddling Winsor Beach. The luxury houses are near the Mid Ocean Club, of which Mr. Perot is a member.

Controversy centres on a checkpoint at a private road, on club territory, around half a mile from the houses.

Uniformed Police and security guards maintain constant watch at a road barrier, next to a small kiosk.

The private road provides access to Mid Ocean Club beaches, Mr. Perot's homes, and scores of other properties.

Among those who have been challenged are Dr. William (Peter) Outerbridge and his wife Jean, both members of the Mid Ocean Club.

They say they were confronted individually on separate occasions while going down to club beaches.

"It greatly annoyed me,'' Dr. Outerbridge, a dental surgeon, told The Royal Gazette .

"I feel it is not necessary for Mr. Perot's security precautions to be extended to the general public in this way.'' Dr. Outerbridge said his wife was upset after being grilled about her movements.

He said the road led to a private residential area often frequented by club members.

"I would have no objection if Mr. Perot had a Policeman outside the gates of his home.

"That would be reasonable. I think Bermuda would respect his privacy.'' Dr. Outerbridge also spoke of a Portuguese gardener distressed after being challenged by security personnel.

"He was going to work at a private home when he was questioned and even had his bag searched.

"He was also followed to the home, and I'm told he was very upset by what happened.'' Dr. Outerbridge said he was unaware of any arrangement between the club and Mr. Perot's security team.

Yesterday club president Mr. C.H. Ford Hutchings said security guards had kept watch at the checkpoint for some time. But Police had teamed up with them recently as Mr. Perot's political campaigning gained momentum.

"I do not see anything wrong with Mr. Perot having security. It's seem fair enough for people to be stopped.

"The security people have a job to do. I am not aware of any complaints from club members.'' Mr. Hutchings said he had met Mr. Perot several times and found him to be a "nice individual''.

"One of the things he really likes about Bermuda is that he has his privacy here. People don't bother him.''