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Court hears of high-speed boat chase

Part of the area was used by swimmers, Sgt. Earl Kirby, prosecuting, told Magistrates' Court yesterday.Michael Araujo, 26, of Knapton Lane, Smith's, was yesterday fined $400 after pleading guilty to operating a boat dangerously.

the shore off Spanish Point.

Part of the area was used by swimmers, Sgt. Earl Kirby, prosecuting, told Magistrates' Court yesterday.

Michael Araujo, 26, of Knapton Lane, Smith's, was yesterday fined $400 after pleading guilty to operating a boat dangerously.

Araujo told Senior Magistrate the Wor. Will Francis he had not known the Marine Police were following him.

Sgt. Kirby said Marine officers were on patrol off the North Shore on May 24 when they saw Araujo's black and white boat.

There were four people on board, and the vessel was travelling at an "excessive'' speed.

Sgt. Kirby said Araujo's boat passed through two no-wake zones, with a five-knot speed limit.

Marine Police chased it across the Great Sound, and Hawkins Bay -- an area used by swimmers, he added.