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Court raises crack dealer's prison term to five years

A crack cocaine dealer had his term in prison increased from three years to five yesterday on appeal at the Supreme Court.

Macray Bulford was imprisoned last year for three years and two years, to run concurrently, for possession of the drug and possession with intent to supply.

Crown counsel Larry Mussenden yesterday persuaded Chief Justice Austin Ward to rule that the sentences should run consecutively, taking the total time served up to five years.

Bulford, 27, of Beacon Hill Lane, Sandys Parish, was caught with $300 worth of the drug and eventually imprisoned for three years.

Shortly after his arrest, he was detained again and found to have 81 of the highly addictive crack rocks worth $4,050. He was given two years for the latter offence, to run concurrently with the first.

Mr. Mussenden asked Mr. Justice Ward to increase the time in prison on the grounds that the first matter should have been referred from Magistrates' Court to Supreme Court for a higher sentence.

Mr. Justice Ward dismissed this appeal. He said three years for possession of $300 worth of crack when the maximum sentence was five years was not so lenient as to shock right-thinking members of society.

But he ruled that the two offences should have been treated separately and ordered that the sentences should run consecutively.

Lawyer Julian Hall appeared for Bulford.