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Debate: Sooner is better, says UBP by Raymond Hainey

Jennifer Smith could take place within the next fortnight, it was revealed last night.Michael Winfield, campaign committee chairman of the ruling United Bermuda Party, said the Premier had asked him to take care of details for the crunch debate.

Jennifer Smith could take place within the next fortnight, it was revealed last night.

Michael Winfield, campaign committee chairman of the ruling United Bermuda Party, said the Premier had asked him to take care of details for the crunch debate.

And he said: "I would hope it would be within the next two weeks at the latest.

"That's certainly what we are going to push for -- but it's dependent on TV time and various other things.'' Mr. Winfield said the Premier had rejected initial suggestions by Ms Smith for two delegations to get together to work out the rules of combat.

Mr. Winfield said that had been agreed and he had contacted his Progressive Labour Party opposite number Calvin Smith at the weekend.

He added: "Mr. Smith has still to check some details -- when he does that, we will meet to make the final arrangements.

"It's things like the form and rules of the debate -- all the usual things which go into putting a debate together.'' Mr. Winfield said: "The Premier wants it to take place in the near future -- I'm hoping we are moving along quite expeditiously.

"Ms Gordon is very much looking forward to it and wants me to get it all set up as quickly as possible.'' Mr. Winfield added that it was not known whether the BBC or the rival VSB would be awarded the debate -- or whether it would be shared between the two.

But he said: "I would hope it would be on both, but we will have to see how the logistics are worked out.'' Ms Smith did not return calls from The Royal Gazette yesterday.

Ms Gordon threw down the gauntlet to Ms Smith during a keynote speech last week announcing her new "contract with the people'' and challenged her to a debate on the 30-year record of the UBP Government.

A spokesman for Ms Smith hit back immediately, saying she would be "more than happy'' to take up the challenge.

And she issued a counterblast, daring the Premier to meet her in a second TV challenge on the future of Bermuda.

The debate is widely seen as being the unofficial start of the two parties' General Election campaigns.

Ms Gordon -- who has sole powers to call a General Election -- has stayed tight-lipped over her plans.

But an autumn election -- late September or early October -- is at present most likely.

Ms Gordon, however, does have the option of holding off on going to the Country until into the New Year.