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Delivery man has two pizzas stolen A pizza delivery man had his merchandise stolen from his car while he attended to a customer.

Police spokesperson Evelyn James Barnett said the 19-year-old delivery man was dropping off a pizza in the Devon Springs, Devonshire, area around 4.30 p.m.

Sunday when the theft occurred.

While the worker was talking to a customer, two men reached into the back seat of his car and removed two other pizzas.

The culprits ran off in the direction of Green Acres.

A visiting Canadian couple also fell prey to a thief over the weekend.

The couple's Belmont Hotel room was broken into, while the pair slept, overnight on Saturday.

Mrs. James Barnett said the husband awoke around 4.45 a.m. and noticed the sliding glass door wide open. The man closed it and returned to bed.

The next day the pair awoke to discover that the man's wallet and his wife's purse were stolen.

A St. George's couple disturbed a would-be thief who was in the process of robbing their home.

Mrs. James Barnett said the pair returned to their Old Military Road home around 8.30 p.m. Sunday to discover their bedroom light on.

The couple were able to get a look at the suspect's clothing as he fled empty handed.

After an immediate search of the area, a 22-year-old St. George's man was arrested and later bailed.