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row in the ranks. An army insider last night told The Royal Gazette that officers and NCOs were embroiled in a regimental rift over plans for a new Regimental Sergeant Major from Britain. ---- Page 2 COLLIS FONDLY REMEMBERED OBT Collis fondly remembered Charles Collis exemplified leadership, self discipline and dedication during the more than 40 years that he practised law in Bermuda. ---- Page 2 TENANTS MARC ON HOUSE HSG GVT Tenants march on House Premier Pamela Gordon has promised to examine the concerns of Government housing tenants opposed to planned rent increases. The premier voiced her concern after tenants marched on Parliament to lobby political leaders yesterday afternoon. ---- Page 3 MONITORING WATER LENSES GVT Monitoring water lenses Tucked away on the third floor of Global House is a small office with a big responsibility -- monitoring the water lenses on an island without rivers. Government hydrogeologist Mark P. Rowe is responsible for the monitoring and management of the fresh ground water in the subterranean reservoirs of Bermuda. ---- Page 3 CONFERENCE WAS `A BEGINNING' CON IMM Conference was a `beginning' Premier Pamela Gordon told MPs yesterday that a London meeting of the Dependent Territories Association was "a beginning, rather than an end of a process.'' ---- Page 4 YOUTH FLOCK TO BIBLE CLUB YO Youth flock to Bible club By attending a Christian youth group, some 30 young people are learning how to apply Bible lessons to their everyday lives. The children meet at the Calvary Gospel Chapel, off Middle Road, Southampton for the Word of Life Olympian Club every Friday from 7 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. ---- Young Observer, Page 8 SWIMMING COACH IN HOSPITAL SW HTH Swimming coach in hospital Well-known swimming coach Duncan Newby has been hospitalised in New York, suffering from a serious stomach ailment. Newby, the senior coach at Dolphins swim club and a former coach of top runner Kavin Smith, flew up to New York on Thursday and was admitted to Sloan-Kettering Hospital for treatment. ---- Sport, Page 13 `CENTURY OF PEACR' BECKONS REL CON `Century of peace' beckons A high-ranking member of the Baha'i Faith will headline a weekend seminar on racial unity and human prosperity. Dr. David S. Ruhe and his wife Margaret are on a visit here to participate in the Baha'i's of Bermuda winter session. ---- Religion, Page 16