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Dogs stolen in Sandys, Pembroke

Dog Warden Leonard (Shina) Simons confirmed the dogs could be used in illegal dog fights.And he added the thefts highlighted the need for prevention before a dog gets stolen.

evil "sport'' of dog-fighting.

Dog Warden Leonard (Shina) Simons confirmed the dogs could be used in illegal dog fights.

And he added the thefts highlighted the need for prevention before a dog gets stolen.

Mr. Simons added: "Dogs disappear all the time. It's the use of positive forms of identification which are the key.'' And he said that dog wardens encouraged the public to have their dogs "microchipped'' by veterinarians before they get stolen.

Mr. Simons was speaking after a brown-and-black Akita puppy was taken from a Tranquility Hill, Sandys, home on Sunday evening.

The owner checked its kennel around 9 p.m. and found the dog missing. The puppy has a white patch on its chest.

And on Saturday evening, a "brownish-reddish'' Labrador is believed to have been stolen from a Rambling Lane, Pembroke home. The dog is also described as having "floppy'' ears.

Last night a Police spokesman said suggestions that stolen dogs ended up in organised fights was "speculation'' -- but could not rule out the possibility.