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Driver banned after chase

driving all vehicles after taking Police on a hair-raising chase through Hamilton.Colin Scott Brown, 39, who was arrested on September 24, pleaded guilty to refusing to provide Police with a breath sample.

driving all vehicles after taking Police on a hair-raising chase through Hamilton.

Colin Scott Brown, 39, who was arrested on September 24, pleaded guilty to refusing to provide Police with a breath sample.

Police Sgt. Wilbert McLean, prosecuting, said Police spotted Brown driving a white car along Par-La-Ville Road towards Front Street. He stopped at the traffic light but when the light turned green he stayed at the junction.

After the light had changed back to red, Sgt. McLean said that Brown went forward, almost hitting an auxiliary cycle that had the right of way.

Police tried to stop the car as it continued as far as Waterloo House on the wrong side of the road, causing an oncoming vehicle to swerve to avoid a collision.

Police finally stopped Brown at the bottom of Cox's Hill. Several officers gathered behind the car to prevent it from rolling back and one Police officer had to reach across Brown to pull up the hand brake to stop the car.

When he was informed about his dangerous driving and asked what he had been drinking, Brown replied: "Nothing. Are you running for Parliament?'' Police took Brown to Hamilton Police Station on suspicion that he was impaired. At the station he refused to give a breath sample.

Brown's lawyer, Mr. Trevor Moniz asked the court for leniency and asserted that the Police account of events was exaggerated.

Senior Magistrate the Wor. Will Francis fined Brown $400 and disqualified him from all vehicles for 12 months.