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Driver puts students off bus

And officers had to order the kids off the bus after they refused to obey instructions to behave.The incident, involving students from St. George's Secondary School, happened yesterday afternoon.

schoolchildren to a Police station.

And officers had to order the kids off the bus after they refused to obey instructions to behave.

The incident, involving students from St. George's Secondary School, happened yesterday afternoon.

The bus driver -- unable to control the youngsters -- drove to the Police station at Bermuda International Airport to seek help.

One woman traveller contacted The Royal Gazette after witnessing the incident.

She said: "The kids were incredibly badly behaved -- even the sight of Police uniforms didn't seem to scare them.

"I saw some of them trying to get on another bus, but I don't think the driver let them on.'' A spokesman for the Police service confirmed officers had been called to a bus at the Airport at around 3.45 p.m. yesterday.

He said: "A driver complained that a lot of kids on board his bus were being extremely unruly.

"Police went on board to attempt to calm them down, but they were ignored.

The driver then asked the officers to get them off the bus.'' Last night Mr. Dan Simmons, assistant director of the public transportion department, said he was unable to comment on the incident as he had not yet received the driver's incident report.

But he said hooliganism among school-age passengers was not a major problem.

Mr. Simmons added: "It's like everything else -- you have a couple of days of aggravation, then it's quiet again.'' But he said in cases where pupils at a particular school cause trouble, Transport officials got in touch with the school principal to discuss the matter.

Last night, school principal Mrs. Charlotte Ming refused to comment on the incident, but she said that disciplinary action would be taken against the pupils involved.