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Dunkley represents new blood

home in a United Bermuda Party primary contest. Now he says his relative lack of political experience can be an advantage. ---- Page 3 NURSE OF THE YEAR NAMED AWD HTH Nurse of the Year named Kathleen Roberts says all she ever wanted to be was a nurse. And yesterday her colleagues showed her childhood career choice was the right one when they selected her as Nurse of the Year. ---- Page 6 JOHNSTON TO OPEN CONFERENCE CON BUC Johnson to open conference The chairman of the world's largest mutual fund company will deliver the keynote address this morning to almost 450 people attending Bermuda's biggest mutual funds conference. ---- Business, Page 13 FESTIVAL GETS INTO FULL SWING TOD MPC TOD Festival gets into full swing One man's search for the truth about his ancestors' history as wealthy slave owners by researching both black and white holders of the family name of Alston was one of the highlights of the Bermuda International Film Festival, which got into full swing over the weekend. ---- Reviews, Pages 18-20 ROMAINE COMES TO THE RESCUE CRI Romaine comes to the rescue Twice at crucial stages, Irving Romaine came to the rescue of Bailey's Bay in the Camel Cup final against St. George's yesterday -- first with his seldom used off-spinners and then with an important knock of 66 as a four wicket victory was achieved with four balls remaining. ---- Sport, Page 25 US `DAREDEVILS' REIGN SUPREME CYC US `daredevils' reign supreme Matthew Koschara called his team "daredevils''. Rivals called them unbeatable at the Bermuda -- now Conyers, Dill and Pearman -- cycling Grand Prix. ---- Sport, Page 27