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Duty-free shops set to open

Minister Ewart Brown told MPs yesterday."The stores will be an attractive addition to the airport and provide another improvement for the traveller,'' Dr. Brown said.

Minister Ewart Brown told MPs yesterday.

"The stores will be an attractive addition to the airport and provide another improvement for the traveller,'' Dr. Brown said.

He added: "This is the first of what will be a number of duty-free opportunities available to travellers.'' And he said the Airport would continue to generate more cash in the present financial year.

The duty-free stores application from Bermuda Duty Free Ltd. -- part of the Gosling's rum empire with a US duty-free firm as a partner -- has already been gazetted.

The news came as Dr. Brown announced that revenue from non-flight operations for the financial year just ended was sky-high compared to the previous year.

And he told the House of Assembly that the cash generated from non-aero enterprises had nearly doubled.

He said: "For the fiscal year 1998/99, revenue increased by $583,000 to $1.84 million -- a 46.2 increase.'' That compares to non-aeronautical revenue for the previous year of $1.26 million.

Dr. Brown also said advertising revenue had taken off -- with a massive 400 percent increase in takings from just $25,000 to $121,000.

Gift shop revenue has also increased, to $332,000 -- up 150 percent on the 97/98 figure of $140,000.

Dr. Brown added: "Air terminal building rentals increased to $331,000, up from $190,000 -- a 78 percent increase and the fixed base operator concession increased revenue to $91,000, up from $31,000.'' And he said: "Additional revenue is being earned from the airport bars, the air courier building and the airport hangar.'' Dr. Brown also pointed out that the proportion of non-flying revenue from the Airport had gone up from 15 percent of the total to 21 percent.

Charges for long-term car parking is also expected to bring dollars into Government coffers, while the airport executive lounge is to open this month.

Dr. Brown said 80 private and corporate memberships for the new Longbird Lounge -- in the US departures area -- had already been sold.

He added: "There is also an agreement in place with Continental Airlines to provide their business class and Continental Club passengers with the amenities of this first-class addition to the Bermuda International Airport.''