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Eco resort promises a `calm' experience

Heavy construction at the Island's newest resort will end shortly to make way for the first guests.

At least two "tented-cottages'' will be occupied at Daniel's Head Village on August 1 as the first section of the eco-resort opens.

On the Daniel's Head peninsula itself, 55 cottages will be complete, including several on stilts over the water.

General manager Richard Quinn said the serious building work will be finished in a few weeks.

Elsewhere on the site, former Canadian forces buildings are being converted to a restaurant, traditional guest rooms and an arts centre. The remainder of the 115 units will also be added.

Once the construction vehicles have moved off, there will be no access for vehicles to the peninsula -- except for essential staff movements and for emergency vehicles. In addition, visitors will have to leave rental scooters near the entrance.

The beach will still be open to the public at Daniel's Head, but beachgoers will have to leave their vehicles at the entrance to the resort and walk to the water -- although Mr. Quinn added that people may be allowed to drop off passengers before parking at the gate.

By restricting vehicular access and limiting staff to solar and electric buggies, the management aim to promote an atmosphere of calm at the site.

On the water: Daniel's Head Village general manager Richard Quinn looks out over the tented cottages nearing completion at the west end resort.