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Families find fun at `Main Event 2'

Fathers were everywhere among the 4,500 people who tucked into a Sunday feast of entertainment."There are often complaints about fathers not doing anything for their kids,'' said organiser Jan Doidge. "But families were out in force today,

Fathers were everywhere among the 4,500 people who tucked into a Sunday feast of entertainment.

"There are often complaints about fathers not doing anything for their kids,'' said organiser Jan Doidge. "But families were out in force today, and there were plenty of dads.'' Organisers of yesterday's free extravaganza were the Bermuda College and Ministry of Education.

Called The Main Event: The Family Fun Day, it was the grand finale of Education Month.

And, thankfully, the threat of rain never materialised.

Premier the Hon. Sir John Swan launched the event at 12.30 p.m. Several other VIPs were also present.

Among the attractions were six-a-side soccer, a book fair, fashion show, dragon fun castle, aquarium adventures, a math whizz, customised car and bike painting, face painting and an antique bike display.

Many people were drawn to dazzling demonstrations by karate enthusiasts, and gymnasts.

Others grabbed at the chance to meet a local author in the library, and listen to College readings, while for those fascinated by high technology, some computer fun was on offer in the College Centre.

And there were, of course, plenty of food and drink stalls to satisfy grumbling stomachs and parched throats.

Among those who showed off their talents were the Bermuda Karate Institute, The Berkeley Debate Team, and St. David's Primary Choir.

Bermuda College spokeswoman Ms Doidge said she was delighted by the turn-out.

It was higher than last year's figure of about 3,000.

"There were 40 different events and activities on the campus throughout the afternoon.

"Our best estimate of the number of people was 4,500. We have to consider this a major success.'' She said the day ended on a high note, with a spectacular display by the H & N Gombey Troupe.

Tribute was paid to Gombey drummer Mr. Lawrence (Stickers) Hendrickson Jr, who died recently.

SIMPLY SCRUMPTIOUS! -- Four-year-old Elenae Anderson obviously found the fun day at Bermuda College to her taste as she tucks into a hot dog.