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Focus on the victims

depressingly frequent fact of life in Bermuda. The effects of violence in the community goes far beyond the pain and shock of the initial incident. For many victims and their families, the mental and physical scars can take a lifetime to heal -- if at all.

The November issue of RG Magazine , free with tomorrow's edition of The Royal Gazette , investigates what happens to the victims? After all the media coverage has died down, the funeral is over and friends and family have returned to their normal lives, and the court case is over, how do people come to terms with seemingly unbearable loss and tragedy? In the first of a two-part series, RG senior writer Elizabeth Harvey talks to victims of shootings and beatings and the families of murder victims to find out how they cope. Next month, she talks to Police and emergency workers who deal with tragedy almost every day.

The November RG also includes Fall Fashion featuring this season's new range of styles and colours for those cooler weekends and RG 's annual travel special. This year ESPN's Stuart Nicol -- whom older readers may remember as a former Mid-Ocean News golf columnist -- selects some clubs and resorts in Florida and the Carolinas that will go a fair way to solving the problem of combining a great golf trip with a family vacation.

The issue also includes a new consumer feature, UpFront. Edited and styled by Amanda Temple, former editor of Homes & Gardens magazine, UpFront will highlight what's new and exciting in the Island's stores. It's all in RG Magazine , Bermuda's best-read magazine -- and you can only get it with tomorrow's edition of The Royal Gazette .

Don't forget to pick up your copy.