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Gang of youths blamed for fire attack on truck

onto a truck and set it on fire.The truck, belonging to Akiku Florist on Washington Street, is believed to have been attacked by a gang seen near the Hamilton Bus Terminal in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

onto a truck and set it on fire.

The truck, belonging to Akiku Florist on Washington Street, is believed to have been attacked by a gang seen near the Hamilton Bus Terminal in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

Although the exterior of the truck was badly damaged it was still able to make deliveries from Akiku yesterday.

Manageress Mrs. Paula Parsons-Burt said: "I was told by the Police that around 75 to 100 teenagers were letting off bangers and flares around the bus station.

"I guess it must have got out of control. They found some shredded paper and put it on top of the truck and set it on fire.

"The fire damaged the outside paintwork and some of the interior. We have asked Mazda to look at the extent. It is going to need a lot of bodywork.

"It's lucky they did not put it underneath because it really could have caused a lot of damage.'' Although the attack had been on the company truck, Mrs. Parsons-Burt said that was better than someone's own vehicle being targeted.

"There were other cars in the street and if the truck had not been there they could have damaged a car which would have caused a lot more upset.'' Mrs. Parsons-Burt was called out by Police at 1.30 a.m. to fill out a report for Police. By that time the gang had disappeared.

"It is all very distressing that this could happen,'' she added. "Surely if Police had seen a gang of 100 people they should have looked at the situation more closely.'' A Police spokesman confirmed they were investigating the fire. They estimated the damage was in the region of $500 to the roof, windscreen and interior.

ARSON ATTACK -- Mrs. Paula Parsons-Burt checks out the damage to her Akiku truck caused by young vandals.