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Governor delivers the Throne Speech

The new Senior School curriculum is now complete, with the monitoring and support for the implementation of the new S2 courses underway and the pre-implementation training for the new S3 courses planned for Spring 2001.

Government believes that the development of Performance Standards is essential to creating a proper foundation for educational success. Therefore, the development of national academic standards will include performance standards for all levels, with performance standards for middle schools for completion first.

The process to implement Teacher Certification will be established in consultation with teachers and the plan to establish an independent licensing authority is being completed.

Mr. President and Members of the Senate, Mr. Speaker and Members of the Honourable House of Assembly, Government proceeded with determination throughout the year 2000 laying a solid foundation for the rebirth of Bermuda Tourism. The key foundation stone in this structure is the Hotel Concessions Act 2000, which is intended to spur the reinvention of Bermuda's on-island product. It is Government's intention to enhance this Act by engaging a coordinator to vet concession applications.

This co-ordinator will be a one-stop contact for potential hotel developers and will assist in the brokering of contracts. The hiring of a coordinator will free the Minister to focus on restoring the lustre to Bermuda's tourism product.

In the forthcoming session, Government will table amendments to the Timeshare (Licencing & Control) Act to update the legislation and incorporate new trends in hotel development. The Government will commence the long-term promotion of the Bermuda Discovery Quincentennial, the 500th Anniversary in 2003 of the discovery of Bermuda by Juan de Bermudez.

As is the case throughout Government, the development of Bermuda's human resources will continue to be key, and the Ministry of Tourism, in conjunction with the Ministry of Education, will be launching a Hospitality Industry Scholarship Endowment Fund, to which corporate contributors will be welcomed.

The Royal Caribbean Cruise Line has already agreed to a one million dollar incremental donation to this Fund, which is aimed at attracting more young Bermudians into careers in the hospitality industry.

Government is confident that from these seeds the fruits of a revived tourism industry will be grown to benefit all Bermudians.

As promised last year, regularly-scheduled eco-tours to the Nonsuch Island nature reserve will be in the next Tourism season.

Mr. President and Members of the Senate, Mr. Speaker and Members of the Honourable House of Assembly, A standard for e-transactions has already been prepared and tabled in the House of Assembly. In this session Government intends to be proactive in identifying specific initiatives to use information technology to deliver more government services electronically. Accordingly, a task force within the Civil Service has been established. They are working in cooperation with the E-commerce Advisory Board to recommend how best to institute e-government systems. These initiatives will be added to those projects already underway in various departments such as; HM Customs, the Registrar of Companies, the Tax Commissioner's Office, the Commission for Unity and Racial Equality and the Departments of Telecommunications and E-commerce.

In order to position the Government to take advantage of the developments that are ensuing from the World Wide Web and to deliver the e-government applications mentioned above, work will continue on modernising and rolling out the network infrastructure which supports the Government Intranet.

As promised, the Ministry of Telecommunications and E-Commerce will introduce a new Telecommunications Act during the session. Consultation with the Bermuda International Business Association (BIBA), the Chamber of Commerce and other relevant stakeholders.

In addition, the Ministry of Telecommunications and E-Commerce will also finalise the development and implementation of Government's policy on E-Commerce to address the issues and concerns affecting electronic commerce.

Mr. President and Members of the Senate, Mr. Speaker and Members of the Honourable House of Assembly, The Green Paper on "Marine Resource and the fishing Industry in Bermuda'' promised in last year's Throne Speech was published on 11th February this year and debated in the Legislature in June. Since March, the discussion of options and consultation with various user groups has continued under the guidance of the Ministry's Marine Resources Board and, on receipt of the Board's report, a White Paper will be prepared and published. This document will define the proposed re-organisation of the commercial fishing industry, and give details of new policies and legislation to be pursued in securing the sustainable use of Bermuda's living marine resources.

The establishment of a multi-disciplinary working group to coordinate the production of a "State of the Environment Report'' for Bermuda in the year 2000 is an ongoing initiative.

The Dogs Amendment Act, also approved in June, highlighted the public's concern about dangerous dogs. To address the concerns, the Minister of the Environment has appointed a Committee to review the key issues and recommend further improvements to the legislation.

The addition of the railway trails to the Environment Ministry's portfolio affords an ideal opportunity to create an accessible and scenic linear park for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders that, as far as is practicable, will link one National Park with another. A phased management plan for the railway trails will be designed and published in 2001.

In the forthcoming session the legislature will be asked to approve the addition of railway trails, Abbot's Cliff, Barnes Corner, Virginia Park and Lighthouse Hill as new national parks.

The Bermuda Biodiversity Project, a joint initiative of the Bermuda Zoological Society and the Bermuda Aquarium, Natural History Museum and Zoo, exemplifies the benefits of a close working relationship between the Government and the private sector. This relationship will be further strengthened in the coming year as the Bermuda Biodiversity Project launches an initiative to develop a Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for the Island. Supported by the UK Government through the Darwin Initiative, the Plan will draw on community-wide participation to forge a common vision, and implement a practical plan of action for conserving Bermuda's natural heritage.

The new draft City of Hamilton Plan will be tabled in the Legislature and published in mid-November. At this time, and in accordance with the provisions of the Development and Planning Act 1974, the public will be given at least two months in which to review the new Plan and to make representations to the Ministry.

For the first time the Plan, which will guide the general development of the city, will incorporate traffic management proposals as well as initiative to enhance the City's pedestrian environment.

The Department of Planning is working in partnership with other Ministries and interested bodies to support the Town of St. George's application to UNESCO for World Heritage status. This work includes the preparation and implementation of a management plan to demonstrate how the Town's historical resources will be protected.

In additional, the Ministry of the Environment has commenced a comprehensive review of the 1992 Bermuda Plan designed to analyse the development trends over the last decade and assess the environmental, social and economic changes that Bermuda has experienced over the period. The conclusion of this research and a review of the operation of the existing development plan will be contained in a report to be published in 2001.

Following the success of the Renewable and Alternative Energy Workshop in June 2000, the Ministry will form a Renewable and Alternatively Energy Committee to evaluate Bermuda's energy requirements over the next decade.

Mr. President and Members of the Senate, Mr. Speaker and Members of the Honourable House of Assembly, In the Finance Ministry, Government remains committed to making Government more user friendly to the public it serves. The Ministry of Finance continues to make use of new technology to meet of businesses and to benefit from technological developments. In the Registrar of Companies there is a plan to have electronic filing in respect of company registrations.

Progress is also being made in the Tax Commissioner's Office with respect to electronic filing and payment of tax returns. It is expected that a pilot project will be in place in April 2001, before being rolled out to the general taxpaying public later in the year.

The anticipated amendments to The Public Treasury (administration and payment) Act 1969 to strengthen Government's ability to collect debts and impose penalties will be forthcoming in this Session.

Phase 1 of the process to modernise Bermuda's Customs legislation was completed in the last Parliamentary session and included: Provisions for the electronic transmission of Customs information.

Provisions for post entry audit of importers' records.

Enabling regulations for faster clearances and release of cargo.

Phase II of the process will see the introduction of the World Trade Organisation/General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Valuation Code. The aim is to strengthen the process and institute efficiencies.

This legislation sets out expanded provisions for the temporary importation of goods and the introduction of formal appeal procedures for the administrative settlement of disputes.

The Contributory Pensions Act 1970 makes provision for disability benefits, but only after a period of one year has passed following the disability. An amendment to reduce the waiting period and enable eligible persons to receive the benefit sooner than one year will be tabled in the forthcoming session.

Mr. President and Members of the Senate, Mr. Speaker and Members of the Honourable House of Assembly, The Government is fully committed to the introduction of a more modern ferry service. A contract has been signed for two of four new ferries with the first scheduled for delivery next year and the second in January 2002.

In the interim, as part of efforts to upgrade the level of service provided to the public, ferry schedules in the West End were adjusted this summer. Initial reports indicate that this has resulted in increased use by the public.

The Ministry of Transport will introduce legislation to make it mandatory to use seat belts in all private motor cars and commercial vehicles in a plan to reduce the number of serious injuries and deaths that occur as a result of motor vehicle accidents. This is in accordance with a recommendation from the Road Safety Council.

The Ministry of Transport plans to initiate a concerted programme to improve the service standards provided to the general public by the Transport Control Department. This will include publishing `The TCD Inspection Manual' on car and commercial vehicle testing. This Manual will set out the testing procedure and standards for examiners and provide vehicle owners with details of the inspections and the reasons why a TCD test certificate could be refused.

A National Transportation Management Plan including an integrated network of public transport services combining the bus system, ferry system, mini-bus service providers and an enhanced scheduling and fare collection system will be introduced. The Plan will also include recommendations on noise pollution, a review of vehicle ownership policies and other measures designed to reduced traffic congestion.

Mr. President and Members of the Senate, Mr. Speaker and Members of the Honourable House of Assembly, Over the past 12 months the Bermuda Housing Corporation has renewed its efforts to provide affordable housing to lower income families and to date has successfully housed 119 families. The Housing Corporation's Building Programme is progressing well with an additional 58 units currently under construction.

Over the next 12 months a number of new initiatives will be introduced to increased the rental stock and provide additional units for sale to first time home buyers. Existing properties will be recycled through the Vacant and Derelict Programme, the new Adopt-A-Home Programme and the Private Sector Rentals Programme. The move away from building new units to recycling existing unused units is consistent with Government's desire to recognise a sustainable level of development within the island's limited land resources.

Accordingly, the current General Improvement Area will be reviewed and the necessary amendments put in place to assist the Corporation with recycling vacant and derelict properties in the most expeditious manner so as to expand the housing stock.

Government will strengthen and improve its services to children and families with the development of Home Based Programme to be offered through Family Services and Residential Treatment Services. These programmes will assist parents to better manage and meet the needs of their children within the home.

In addition, the establishment of a support group, focused and fathers, will strengthen the safety net for children at risk and lessen the need for out of home placement.

The restructured Residential Treatment Programme reflects Government commitment to upgrade the continuum of services for high-risk adolescents. The enactments of the Children's Act has reinforced the need to review the Young Offenders Act 1959 to ensure that it reflects the current philosophy and practices for managing young offenders.

New policies and procedures will be implemented to provide easier access to the services and in an effort to improve financial assistance to low income persons. Further, the housing Allowance Act 1988 will be amended and replaced by a Financial Assistance Bill.

Given the recommendations of the Report on Health Care Review, individuals in need will be assessed to determine their eligibility for hospital and other medical services.

The Government will introduce amendments to the Misuse of Drugs Act 1972 to regulate gamma hydroxy butyrate (liquid ecstasy) and other drugs of concern.

The Medical Practitioners Act 1950 will be amended to set out continuing education requirements and to provide for the periodic registration of physicians. Also, the Public Health Act, 1949 will be amended and Regulations developed to provide for the regulation of body piercing and tattooing establishments. In addition, amendments will be proposed to the Housing Act, 1980, to provide for the regulation of housing standards to ensure good health.

The former Addiction Services will be restructured as an Assessment and Referral Centre and become the primary provider assessment, referral, case management and out-patient substance abuse treatment for adults.

Mr. President and Members of the Senate, Mr. Speaker and Members of the Honourable House of Assembly, The Government will introduce the Residential Care Home and Nursing Facility Regulations under the Residential Care Homes and Nursing Homes Act, 1999.

These Regulations will establish the procedures for the registration of nursing homes and residential care homes, as well as the criteria for the registration of staff and facilities, and establish safety requirements.

The Ministries of Health and Family Services and Works and Engineering are working together to established a Bermuda-specific brief for the design of Parish Rest Homes. A study for the development of a potential site for the new St. George's Rest Home and associated independent dwelling units has already been prepared.

Other joint project include the renovation of the approximately 100 year old, two storey Drive site. This 32,000 sq. ft. project will provide secure and treatment units for some 40 residents.

Mr. President and Members of the Senate, Mr. Speaker and Members of the Honourable House of Assembly, The Ministry of Works and Engineering continues its programmes of providing opportunities for young Bermudians interested in careers in architecture, landscape architecture, land surveying, accountancy, engineering, estate management and technical studies. During the past year, a number of secondary school students have been hired by the Ministry and exposed to the experience of working on real projects under the supervision of licenced professionals.

The Blue Hole Hill and Wilkinson Avenue Road improvement scheme was completed, as was the rock stabilisation scheme at Palmetto Road. In addition, the Ministry has begun negotiations with adjoining landowners so that a new sidewalk can be provided on the north side of St. John's Road between Langton Hill and the Woodlands Road junction. This sidewalk improvement scheme will greatly increase the safety of pedestrians along this relatively narrow main road which is regularly used by large numbers of students.

The Ministry of Works and Engineering is actively seeking opportunities to acquire properties that meet operational requirements to accord with Governments policy of establishing an asset-based property portfolio, which will significantly reduce Government's rental commitments.

To this end Government has already acquired the James Building and the adjoining Hamilton Equity Association sites at the corner of Church and Court Streets. Plans are to develop these sites in conjunction with the car park behind Global House for the new combined Magistrates' Court/Hamilton Police Station, incorporating four, new, state-of-the-art courtrooms, as well as a Family Court and Courts' Administration Offices. The new Hamilton Police Station will be separate from the Courts but integrated into the overall facility. These facilities will include processing and holding facilities and discrete, direct connections to the courtrooms without traversing any public spaces. Police offices will include those of the Criminal Investigate Department and the Commercial Crime Unit.

In addition, it is proposed that the building will have a secure parking basement for Police and magistrates, who will have direct connections with their offices and courtrooms without going through any public areas.

Construction is expected to begin early in the next financial year. The Ministry of Works & Engineering provided landscape design services to the Pembroke Marsh project. Planning approval has been received and construction documents for Phase II of the Master Plan incorporating general landscaping, widening of the canal, a basketball court and parking are nearing completion.

It is expected that construction on this project will begin before the end of the year.

Following Government's commitment to introduce Land Title Registration, the Ministry of Works and Engineering has played a major role, together with the Ministry of the Environment, in preparation of a project plan. The Survey section in the Ministry of Works and Engineering and the digital mapping facility will form the foundation of the parcel map that will be generated by the project.

The development of the Property Information Management System (PIMS) will provide for more efficient land and asset management. PIMS will include several "on line'' capabilities as well as a building maintenance call in system, land parcel records management and project handling systems.

Completion is scheduled within the current financial year.

Mr. President and Members of the Senate, Mr. Speaker and Members of the Honourable House of Assembly, Ground has been broken for the construction of a 2,000 seat covered grandstand on the southern field of the National Sports Centre. This facility will include changing rooms, showers, concession stand, VIP seating, media boxes, and a facility to house electronic finish equipment. The northern field will also be completed, with a field pavilion, a jogging cycle track, practice cricket wickets, and perimeter security fencing. This project is scheduled for completion in December, 2001.

The Ministry of Youth, Sport and Recreation, together with the National Sport Governing Bodies of Bermuda, has facilitated the development of an Alternative Sports Dispute Resolution Programme whereby mediation and arbitration is offered to National Sport Governing Bodies to resolve sports disputes.

In addition, the Ministry of Youth, Sport and Recreation has commenced an organisational review in which its programmes and services are being carefully studied in order to ascertain the continued relevance of its mandate and its policies.

Mr. President and Members of the Senate, Mr. Speaker and Members of the Honourable House of Assembly, The Employment Bill tabled before the summer recess as a discussion draft has had some revision as a result of further input from the tripartite stakeholders. It will be laid before the legislature in this Session. For the first time there will be comprehensive Employment legislation which will set out minimum labour standards for employees in Bermuda. This Bill has been developed in consultation with all the social partners in the employment field and Government is hopeful that the end product will provide effective and workable legislation. However, it is anticipated that in the area of employment legislation constant review is necessary to keep it dynamic.

Updating Bermuda's commercial crime legislation remains a necessity and Government proposes to bring a comprehensive and modern Fraud Bill before the Legislature.

In addition to the legislative initiatives already mentioned, you will be invited to consider a number of Bills, Discussion Papers and Regulations in the coming year, including: The Parole Board Bill, 2000 to establish an independent body to determine the release of licence (parole) of prisoners.

The Fraud Bill to take account of the more sophisticated methods used by modern day criminals.

Amendments to the Revenue Act 1989 to continue the process of modernising Bermuda's Customs legislation and to provide for the introduction of the World Trade Organization/General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade Valuation Code Amendments to: The Investment Business Act 1988, The Bermuda Monetary Authority (Classification of Collective Investment Schemes) Regulations 1997 The Trust Companies Act 1991 to further strengthen Bermuda's financial regulation and supervisory processes and procedures Amendments to the Contributory Pensions Act 1970 to reduce the waiting period for disability benefits.

Amendments to the Merchant Shipping Act 1979 and to Merchant Shipping Regulations to bring merchant shipping legislation in Bermuda in line with international standards and those of the United Kingdom and the European Union to enable Bermuda to accept new ship types and to operate competitively in the market place as a quality shipping register Amendments to the Motor Car Act 1951 to provide for the mandatory use of seat belts in motor vehicles and minimum safety standards for helmets The Bermuda National Parks (Amendment) Bill to provide for four new parks and the Railway Trail to be added to the system of National Parks The Census Amendment (No.2) Regulations 2000 to give the Census office authority to return to the field to enumerate those households that were missed in the first instance The Employment Bill 2000 to provide for minimum labour standards in the workplace Amendment to the Timesharing (Licensing and Control) Act 1981 and the Timesharing (Licensing and Control) Regulations 1982 to ensure that the interests of the timeshare owners and the developers continue to be protected The Public Health (Amendment) Bill to regulate businesses that practise tattooing The Legal Aid (Amendment) Bill to give more authority to the Senior Legal Aid Counsel to administer the Act The Evidence Amendment Bill to provide for a Court Reporting System The Supreme Court (Amendment) Bill and the Court of Appeal (Amendment) Bill to provide for additional judges The Police and Criminal Evidence Bill to provide for the better administration of justice and the investigation and taking of evidence in criminal cases.

Proposals for Amendments to Bermuda's Constitution to provide for single seat constituencies of an equal member, to change the Auditor's title to that of Auditor General and to provide for the establishment of the office of Ombudsman Mr. President and Members of the Senate, Mr. Speaker and Members of the Honourable House of Assembly, It was Maya Angelou who said: "History, despite its wrench and pain cannot be unlived.

But if faced with courage need not be lived again.'' To create a modern, fair and inclusive society of opportunity for all takes courage.

The courage to embrace change and move forward together to create a new Bermuda for a new century.

Bermuda is mid-stream in several ways. Old policies and old patterns are being eliminated and the tremendous changes that a new Government with new policies and a new focus brings may be unsettling to some.

In the year since we last met here, a new and modern form of Government is emerging.

Government is working. It is working well and it is working hard. New structures, new partnerships and new ways of connecting have underscored this Government's commitment to serve the people of this country with improved childcare, elder care and health care with better jobs, better education and better opportunities.

Government enters the new parliamentary year with confidence, determined to continue addressing the real priorities of our country.

There will be challenges by the sometimes tough decisions needed to bring about reform, but hard work, dedication and perseverance will overcome any challenge.

With the continued support of all sectors of the community, Government can continue to devote their efforts to a new Bermuda where the quality of daily life is improved, where children thrive, young people learn and work, and families prosper.

Traditionally at this point, the Governor is allowed to add some words of his own.

I would merely comment that at the start of this new millennium, the business of government around the world becomes ever fuller and more complex. Bermuda is no exception as the Island maintains its determination to stay in the forefront of developments in the modern world, both nationally and internationally.

May I also say that it is a very great honour to open Parliament today on behalf of Her Majesty The Queen, and to wish you all well in your work in the coming Session.

Mr. President and Members of the Senate, Mr. Speaker and Members of the Honourable House of Assembly, I now declare this session open.

May God guide you in your deliberations and may you face this Legislative Session with confidence in our people and faith in Him.