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Govt. buys open space

Government Senate Leader E.T. Bob Richards said the Government added 4.29 acres of land, worth $700,000, to its land bank.The land, located near Barnes Corner in Southampton, will be left as open space.

worth of land.

Government Senate Leader E.T. Bob Richards said the Government added 4.29 acres of land, worth $700,000, to its land bank.

The land, located near Barnes Corner in Southampton, will be left as open space.

"Government purchased it to ensure that it stays that way,'' he added.

Sen. Walwyn Hughes (Ind) welcomed the move saying the purchase would help secure the area by Seymour's Pond.

Sen. Terry Lister (PLP) urged the Government to secure more land for open land and recommended that they seek out run-down buildings of historical value.

The Senators also gave the go-ahead to the sale of some land to a local church.

The West End Development Corporation sold its freehold interest in the property on 41 Malabar Road, Sandys Parish to the Faith Tabernacle Church.

Sen. Richards said the $240,000 price tag was considered fair market value for the property.