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Govt. to appeal decision

Last month Club Med applied for a stay in Government proceedings and sought to have the matter sent to arbitration.Last week, the Hon. Mr. Justice Meerabux, sitting at the Supreme Court, agreed to the request.

at arbitration.

Last month Club Med applied for a stay in Government proceedings and sought to have the matter sent to arbitration.

Last week, the Hon. Mr. Justice Meerabux, sitting at the Supreme Court, agreed to the request. Now the Attorney General's Chambers will lodge an appeal against the decision.

The St. George's hotel has been closed since 1988 and Government, which says Club Med is in violation of its lease, had gone to court to reclaim the publicly-owned property on which it was built.

Club Med, which is trying to sell the hotel, has sought permission to re-open 100 rooms while it seeks a buyer, but Government has not given its approval.

REPORT ORDERED FOR MAN WHO STOLE FROM HAIR SALON CTS Report ordered for man who stole from hair salon Acting Senior Magistrate the Wor. Edward King ordered a social inquiry report on a 25-year-old hair salon employee who stole $6,322 from his employer.

Dean V.A. Parris, of Friswell's Hill, Pembroke, pleaded guilty to charges of stealing $6,322 from the Hair Studio Salon on Front Street between August 31 and November 26, 1994.

Police Prosecutor Sgt. Donald Grant said Parris, a former receptionist at the salon, balanced the accounts and made deposits for the salon.

Sometime between August and November last year, Parris made false entries and it was not discovered until his employer went over the books, Sgt. Grant said.

She notified the Police and fired Parris.

Parris admitted the offence to Police and said: "I was stealing the money to fund a drug habit I had.'' Parris had his $500 bail extended and will be sentenced on November 10.