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h218 March 22 hearing set for drugs case

before he is sent to Supreme Court for trial.Kirk Roberts is facing charges of possessing more than $100,000 worth of cannabis intended for supply.

before he is sent to Supreme Court for trial.

Kirk Roberts is facing charges of possessing more than $100,000 worth of cannabis intended for supply.

The 37-year-old will also answer charges that he smuggled the anti-depressant lorenzapam to Barbara Roberts while she was in Police custody during an Appeals Court hearing.

And Kirk Roberts, of West Side Road, Sandys, appeared before Senior Magistrate Will Francis yesterday for his pre-trial arrangements to be made.

He will now face a long-form preliminary inquiry in Magistrates' Court on March 22. The hearing is expected to last one-and-a-half days.

Roberts, a self-employed shipwright, cannot be tried in the lower court because the charges are so serious.

He has not yet been required to plead but he is accused of possessing 2,090.4 grammes of cannabis with a Bermuda street value of around $104,500.

The defendant was also charged with handling the drugs between an unknown date and September 19.

It has been further alleged that Roberts possessed drug equipment including 920 pay-type envelopes, 72 zip-lock bags, two pieces of cellophane plastic tape, carbon paper wrappings, a scale and a Whirlpool freezer.

Roberts is on $5,000 bail with a like surety and has been ordered to surrender all travel documents and report to Somerset Police Station every Monday and Friday.

SUSPENDED SENTENCE FOR CASH SNATCH CTS Suspended sentence for cash snatch A man who grabbed $185 from a dry cleaners' cash till was handed a three-month suspended jail sentence yesterday.

Unemployed Darren Caisey, 31, admitted snatching the money when he asked for a $10 bill to be changed at Just Shirts on Par-la-Ville Road, Hamilton.

Prosecutor Sgt. Phil Taylor said Caisey, of no fixed abode, turned himself in at Hamilton Police station at 8.45 p.m. on Friday, four hours after the incident.

Senior Magistrate Will Francis heard Caisey was also divorced and had to pay maintenance for a daughter. He suspended the jail term for 18 months.

CANNABIS, COCAINE FOUND ON MAN CTS Cannabis, cocaine found on man Drugs found on a Warwick man in two successive Police searches will cost him $570 after he was fined by the Senior Magistrate.

Derek Furbert, 27, of Camp Road, was given until the end of February to pay the fines which stem from two separate incidents.

The Crown offered no evidence of Furbert being drunk and incapable on September 13.

Senior Magistrate Will Francis heard that Furbert was arrested on another matter in Sandys Parish at 1.20 a.m. on September 6 last year.

Junior Crown Counsel Veronica Gordon said he was searched and what was later found to be .26 grams of cannabis was discovered wrapped in a $2 bill.

On September 13, Furbert was found lying on his back on a wall outside a Reid Street club.

Police noted Furbert did not have any injuries and he was incoherent and unable to stand.

Ms Gordon said Furbert was searched outside the club and officers found two small plastic twists with plant material. Once inside Hamilton Police Station, a more thorough search found two small brown paper twists containing a rock like substance.

The Government Analyst later found the plant material to be .68 grams of cannabis and the rock like substance was .037 grams of 79 percent pure cocaine.

Mr. Francis fined Furbert $100 for the September 6 offence and $350 for having the cocaine and $120 for the cannabis on September 13.

HOTEL MANAGER DROVE WHILE IMPAIRED CTS Hotel manager drove while impaired Driving while impaired cost a 53-year-old hotel manager his licence and $450 in Magistrates' Court.

Joseph Kennedy, of Somner Lane, St. George's, was spotted by uniformed Police officers as he rode a Suzuki motorcycle east on the Causeway on December 11 at 1.45 a.m.

Kennedy was driving extremely slowly and at one point swerved across the centre line directly in front of the Police officers' car.

The Marriott's Castle Harbour Resort manager was pursued by the officers who saw him negotiate a corner on the wrong side of the road.

Despite activating their emergency equipment, the officers were unable to make Kennedy stop until they drove alongside him and repeatedly shouted at him.

Once they had stopped him, the officers noted that Kennedy had bloodshot eyes and smelled of intoxicants.

Asked if he had been drinking, he replied that he had been to a party at the Marriott where he had a few drinks.

Upon providing breath samples at Hamilton Police Station, the lowest reading Kennedy supplied was 203 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood.

Kennedy apologised to Senior Magistrate William Francis.

MAN REMANDED OVER THEFT CHARGE CTS Man remanded over theft charge A magistrate remanded a 31-year-old Pembroke man in custody for a month on a theft charge.

Senior Magistrate Will Francis yesterday ordered Roger Eugene Lightbourne to remain in custody at Westgate Correctional Facility until February 11.

Lightbourne, of St. John's Road, will stand trial on a charge of stealing $1,500.50 in cash from Rockford cycles on December 23, last year.

The decision came after lengthy submissions by Crown counsel Larry Mussenden and defence lawyer Elizabeth Christopher on granting Lightbourne his freedom.

DRUNK CYCLIST, 26, CRASHED INTO WALL CTS Drunk cyclist, 26, crashed into a wall A Devonshire man was fined $450 and banned from driving all motor vehicles after he admitted he rode a cycle while drunk.

Laurie Burrows said he would pay the fine after he admitted riding while impaired at 12 a.m. on December 11 last year at the junction of Chaingate Hill Road and Green Acres Drive, Magistrates' Court heard.

Junior Crown counsel Veronica Gordon said Police answered a report of a road traffic accident and found Burrows being assisted as he tried to right his cycle.

Burrows, 26, of 16 Devon Springs Road, was wearing a securely-fastened helmet and admitted he had been riding and had struck a wall.

Officers noted he was unable to stand without leaning on the wall, and his eyes were glazed, his breath smelled strongly of alcohol.

The fine must be paid by January 29.

TEEN SWORE IN PUBLIC WHILE CYCLING CTS Teen swore in public while cycling School student Neville Sinclair Tucker was given a 12-month conditional discharge yesterday at Magistrates' Court for swearing in public.

Tucker, 17, of Rambling Lane, Pembroke was stopped by Police after shouting abuse as he rode a pedal cycle on Court Street at 6.15 p.m. on November 16.

PEMBOKE WOMAN FACES THEFT TRIAL CTS Pembroke woman faces theft trial Kylah Stowe, 24, of South Terrace, Pembroke, is to face a Magistrates' Court trial after pleading not guilty to stealing a bank bag stuffed with cash.

Stowe, accused of taking the $1,145 from Masters Ltd., will be tried on April 30. She was released on $500 bail.