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Honour UBP promise says PTA president Basden

With tuition for the fall semester at Bermuda College due tomorrow, CedarBridge Academy's PTA have called on the Education Minister to honour the promise made by the former minister for free tuition.

"We feel that they should honour the programme, at least for this year as it is now the 11th hour to tell us otherwise,'' CedarBridge PTA president Patricia Basden told The Royal Gazette .

"Tuition is due at Bermuda College on the 19th and I know many parents who cannot afford the $1,200.'' "It is just not fair,'' Mrs. Basden contended, "that students who have worked hard to qualify for this reward, should now be denied it.'' Mrs. Basden said the PTA were waiting to hear back from Chief Education Officer Joseph Christopher and Education Minister Milton Scott.

Meanwhile, Mr. Scott revealed he is reviewing his recent decision to do away with a programme to provide free tuition at the College for some high school students. The programme, announced by former Education Minister Tim Smith last June for students with good grades, attendance and who agreed to drug testing, was made in an effort to help curb absenteeism in the public high schools.

Inquires by The Royal Gazette reveal that no student actually benefited from the plan.

"Over the weekend I have had time to reflect on the issue,'' said Mr. Scott, "and have asked the Board of Education and the Board of the Bermuda College to explore the merits of such a proposal.

"The Government is committed to ensuring that no Bermudian student is turned away from college education at the Bermuda College for lack of finances.'' Pointing out that financial assistance is available at the College, Mr. Scott noted: "There is now a programme in place which ensures that students at the Bermuda College do not have to drop out because of lack of funds.'' The Minister also urged all parents of students planning to attend the College in September to get in contact with the Dean of Students.

"There are numerous scholarships, awards and payment plans that the Dean of Students can advise parents on,'' said Mr. Scott. "I know that many of these scholarships and awards have not been utilised.''