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Horton trial adjourned until February

was given by the two Police officers who investigated the case.The trial will resume before Senior Magistrate William Francis on February 17 when overseas witnesses are due to give testimony.

was given by the two Police officers who investigated the case.

The trial will resume before Senior Magistrate William Francis on February 17 when overseas witnesses are due to give testimony.

Horton, 51, and blue flag taxi driver Weldon Dowling, 49, are alleged to have conspired to defraud the Accountant General.

The Crown claims that Horton and Dowling filed invoices for work that was never done and as a consequence the pair allegedly netted themselves a total of $720.

It is also alleged another $1,140 or $1,240 claimed for was not handed over.

The offences are alleged to have taken place between 1993 and 1995 when Horton was the assistant director of Tourism.

Horton, of North Shore Road, Hamilton Parish, and Dowling, of Wellington Back Road, St. George's, have both pleaded not guilty.

Yesterday Insp. David Cart told the court that he and Det. Con. Gary Wilson searched Horton's office on July 26 of last year and were given two files relating to Dowling and Horton by Tourism director Gary Phillips.

He added that he later attended the Accountant General's offices where he obtained a number of taxi chits and receipts.

Insp. Cart said he also questioned Dowling and Horton on the matter and recorded statements from them.

Det. Con. Wilson said Dowling told the officers that he had grown up with Horton and drove him to work in his taxi many times over the last two or three years.

As far as he was concerned, Dowling told the officers, all the business he and Horton conducted was perfectly legitimate.

He added that it was hard to recall if any of the taxi chits the Police had seized were false as there were a lot of them from a long time ago.

At the conclusion of the officers' evidence, Crown counsel Phillip Storr asked for the trial to be adjourned so he could arrange for his overseas witnesses to be present.

Mr. Francis adjourned the trial until February 17 when it will resume at 9.30 a.m.