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Hotel dipute worker fined for forging passport

after he used a forged passport.Perry Angelo Goater, 36, of Valley Heights, Devonshire, pleaded guilty in Magistrates' Court to five forgery-related charges.

after he used a forged passport.

Perry Angelo Goater, 36, of Valley Heights, Devonshire, pleaded guilty in Magistrates' Court to five forgery-related charges.

Goater admitted he: made a false document by changing a passport photograph between July 25 and August 25, 1991; used the false passport on August 25, 1991; made a false Bermuda Immigration arrival card on August 25, 1991; made a false US Customs declaration on the same date; and again used the false passport on May 5, 1992. Senior Magistrate the Wor. Will Francis fined Goater $100 on each charge.

Goater, a barman, was fired by Pink Beach hotel. The firing led to a lengthy dispute over whether there was a collective agreement with the Bermuda Industrial Union at the time and whether the firing was justified. The matter was referred to the Essential Industries Disputes Settlement Board.

Police Prosecutor Sgt. Ken James said Police were looking for Goater in connection with various offences in 1991. He took his brother Vance Goater's passport and replaced his brother's photograph with one of his own, Sgt. James told the court.

On August 25, Goater used the forged passport to leave the Island on a flight to New York, he said.

The forgery was discovered after Goater left, Sgt. James said. Although he was due to return on September 2, he did not return to Bermuda until May 5, 1992.

At that time, a special Customs officer noticed the passport photograph "appeared to have been tampered with.'' Under questioning, he admitted the forgery.

Duty counsel Ms Sonia Grant told the court that Goater's mother died in February of 1991. Goater was "very distraught,'' and needed to leave the Island to stay with his cousin, she said. When he could not find his own passport "he foolishly found his brother's passport and decided to alter that passport''.

Goater was given until November 12 to pay the fines.